Two tins filled with homemade candles. Text overlay says, "How to Make Old-Fashioned Beeswax Candles".

How to Make Beeswax and Lard Candles at Home

4 Things You Need When the Lights Go Out

The smallest amount of light can penetrate the heaviest dark. When the power goes out, there is nothing more reassuring than having a light source. It’s funny, we humans have lived …

How to Smoke Cheese at Home

Learning how to smoke cheese at home is a bit easier than I thought it would be. When something tastes so delicious I often think it’s way more complicated than it actually is. I …

How To Render Lard and Why You Should

Learning how to render lard in ten easy steps. Knowing how to render lard is like a homesteader’s right of passage. It’s an extremely healthy fat, despite what you may have learned …