Do you worry about the hidden junk lurking in your food — but eating clean seems an overwhelmingly large challenge? Discover how to grow and preserve your own organic food with:
Pioneering Today Academy
Turn your home into a thriving homestead and provide your family with fresh, nutrient-rich meals. And no — you don’t need stacks of time, acres of land, or mountains of $$
Supporting 7500+ homesteaders since 2016
“I’m not afraid to try anymore. I'm a city girl with chickens for Pete's sake.”
— Pioneering Today Academy Member
Imagine knowing exactly what’s in your food — because you produced it yourself
No more scanning ingredient lists worrying about pesticides, preservatives and GMOs.
Instead, picture:
But despite being inspired to live a homegrown, homemade life, the reality can quickly become a struggle
Aspiring homesteaders often find themselves:
If this sounds familiar — you’re in the right place.
Let me be the first to say, I get it. It’s tough. And — it’s not your fault — you weren’t taught. I was taught, and it was still full-on learning how to do it for myself — but I got there. And now I want to share everything I know with you.
Hi there, I'm Melissa!
I’m a full-time working wife and mom of two. I’ve been homesteading since 1999 but serious-about-it since 2009.
Homesteading has completely changed my life. And my health.
In my late 20s I had acid reflux so bad that I was taking meds 6 times per day at maximum dose just to try to control it. I could barely eat. Sleep was hard.
For years I’d been told, “take this pill” — so I did.
An endoscope showed that I had severe erosion in my stomach and esophagus. Biopsies showed cellular changes — but thankfully no cancer. Yet.
I got told I had to come off the meds because I’d been on them for too long.
And that I had to figure out how to control this because if I didn’t, I'd probably be diagnosed with cancer in just a couple of years.
I was 29 with a husband and two little kids.
I decided, come hell or high water, I was going to figure this out.
So I googled. And I read. And I googled some more. And read some more.

I realized how much my food choices were worsening my symptoms — and crucially, that I could do something about it.
While I’m a fifth generation homesteader, I’d drifted away from my homesteading heritage because I was working full time with a 36 mile commute.
I didn’t think I had time to homestead — and the world of convenience had sucked me in.
With the threat of cancer looming, my husband and I went back to my family roots and tripled our homestead skills in earnest. By putting systems into place, little-by-little I discovered I did have time — even with the commute and young family.
We started raising all our own meat and growing more of our own veggies. And I started to get better — in time, my stomach issues went away.

Now we raise 99.9% of our own meat, 75% of the fruit we eat, and 60% of our veggies. And we haven’t had to buy bread at the store since 2009.
After getting back to my homesteading roots – and learning on-the-fly – I started to share my experiences on my podcast, Pioneering Today. In time, my followers wanted to know more. And from there, the Pioneering Today Academy was born!
Since then, I’ve helped over 7,500 membership holders adopt a more homegrown and handmade lifestyle using the same systems I do — no matter how busy they are, or how tiny their space is.
I’ve seen my members set up their homesteads, ground themselves and find inner peace from living a more homegrown, handmade life. And now, I can’t wait to help you on your homesteading journey — so you can enjoy that too.
“My heart is so full. This was everything I never knew I needed.”
— Autumn
Create your modern homestead with the
Pioneering Today Academy
The ultimate homesteading membership that’ll teach you everything you need to know to grow, cook, raise and preserve your way to your homegrown, handmade life
…no matter how busy you are
Meet Your Teacher
I get so frustrated at what we’re being told is “food” in the grocery store. The processing. The chemical additives. Hidden GMOs. The pesticides.
So many people are struggling with chronic health conditions and they don’t know the role this so-called “food” could be playing in it.
When you join the Pioneering Today Academy, I’ll teach you how to grow, preserve and cook your own food from scratch — like your great-grandparents would have done.
Except, life is a bit different now. We have jobs, often with long commutes. Kids have basketball practice. The local store sells everything we might want, and you can buy meals ready-made. And these days, homesteading is a choice.
We’re the bread bakers, the home canners, the seed savers and the backyard chicken owners. We’re the modern homesteaders… and we’re growing.
Won’t you join us?
Think of the Pioneering Today Academy as a springboard to walk you step-by-step into the homestead lifestyle
“Even though I have POTS and my thyroid is being ridiculous, the changes of truly embracing the whole foods lifestyle coupled with herbal medicine and homegrown food, has likely saved my life.”
— Pioneering Today Academy Member
Here's How it Works
As a member you get access to:

PTA Library
Explore all the aspects of homesteading in one easy-to-navigate location
The Library includes a comprehensive collection of
- 12 in-depth courses with step-by-step video tutorials
- Plus printable guides, charts & checklists that’ll teach you how to live a more homegrown + handmade life
PTA Community
The Community is so much more than a group of big-hearted, like-minded homesteaders chatting online
- Get inspired
- Make friends
- Get answers to your questions
- Share your wins
- Be supported
- Find & share recipes
Two group mentorship calls with Melissa every month
In these live calls Melissa will:
- Guide you through your monthly gardening tasks with proven strategies that work
- Answer your questions
In-real-time Challenges
Kick start your homesteading in a specific area with our 6+ week-long quarterly challenges designed to get you maximum results, fast
Includes weekly live calls + homework
This is where our members often report the fastest, most satisfying transformations in their homesteading journeys
Monthly Homestead Assignment
There are always aspects of homesteading that get overlooked — slipping to the bottom of the task list, or forgotten entirely. But those tasks can be vital — for safety, for ease, or simply to boost your homestead.
Support the bigger picture of your homesteading journey with our monthly homework assignments.
Here’s what some of our members say about the Academy:
“Melissa is a God send, have learned so much. This is the year – so many amazing ideas [for the garden] and lessons to implement, saved us years and years and years of trial and error.”
— Kris
“A resource of information at my fingertips that is easy to find and there is always someone there to answer my question quickly. (And it’s not hard to find answers, like it is on YouTube).”
— Pioneering Today Members
“I’m LOVING following along and accomplishing so much with such a positive group! Thank you Melissa!”
— Teri, Taking part in the Fall into Homesteading Challenge
“The more time I invest in research and learning through these lessons, the more impressed I am by the thoughtfulness, organization and sheer cleverness of everything I find.”
— Candace
Soon, you may find yourself:

Just like these Pioneering Today Academy members:
“I’m estimating $85-130 saved per week since last month. Last week I only spent $45 on groceries. Family of 3.”
Britnay – Taking part in the Stretch Your Dollar Challenge
“I haven't bought ketchup in a year, and tomato sauce in about 3 years.”
Pioneering Today Academy Member
“I no longer have to go it alone. Everything is laid out in a way that I can choose to dabble, grab a quick recipe or deep dive into a topic, as I see fit for whatever season of life I'm enjoying.”
[Homesteading] brings me a grounding peace to my life.”
Pioneering Today Academy Member
“I came for the education and found friends”
Pioneering Today Academy Member
In case you were wondering
You can be a successful homesteader EVEN IF you’re reading this and saying…
“I don’t have TIME”
This is the #1 limiting belief I hear from aspiring homesteaders.
I always say — Start with what interests you
Big drastic changes don’t stick.
I encourage my students to work one small aspect of homesteading into their daily life.
Then build on it, slowly, in the order that suits your needs.
“I don’t have LAND”
A homestead doesn’t need acres. It doesn’t even need a backyard. I mean, it can, if that’s the homestead you want. But it doesn’t have to.
Use what you have
Got a windowsill?
That’s enough to get started
“It’s too EXPENSIVE”
Homesteading used to be the way families saved money. We’ve just moved so far from that way of living that it can be hard for this to seem true.
It costs less than you might think.
You don’t need to have loads of $$$ to be a modern homesteader. Afterall, modern homesteading is born from traditional approaches people used out of necessity — and when money was tight. And convenience options didn’t exist yet.
And yes, you can have a successful homestead even if you aren’t from a family of homesteaders.
As a member of the Pioneering Today Academy you’ll benefit from a combined 102 years of homesteading experience —my own, plus that of the Pioneering Today Team. You’ll also have the support of our welcoming community.

Pioneering Today Academy Library
The Pioneering Today Academy Library is the the learn-when-it-suits-you classroom designed to help you reach your homesteading dreams — at your pace
(even if you don’t know your jam from your jelly just yet)
So, what’s on the library shelves?
The instant you join you get access to these 12 courses
Growing your own fruits and vegetables
120+ lessons

Course #1
Growing your own fruits and vegetable
Includes Backyard Gardening System $297
Plus lessons exclusive to PTA members
You dream of a bountiful garden. But what can you do about this clay soil? These courses will teach you everything from planning your garden, to soil amendments, sowing seeds to harvesting, grow zones and natural pest management.
Take the mystery out of growing — and produce your own homegrown fruits and vegetables.
Course #2
Successful Seed Saving
Value $49
Learn how to plant with seed saving in mind — so your garden feeds you this year AND provides the seeds for next year’s crops. Plus, learn how to harvest and store your seeds. And cross-pollinating tips to keep plant strains pure.
Home Food Preservation
95+ lessons

Course #3
Home Canning with Confidence
Value: $147
You want to preserve shelf stable food when it’s at its freshest, but how do you get past the fear of canning? This course will teach you the hard and fast rules of safe canning plus the science behind it all — so you can start canning with confidence. Learn which foods to pressure can and which to water bath can. Enjoy comprehensive recipes and instructions for canning fruit, pickles, salsas, meats, soups + more. And learn how to make jams + jellies you’ll want to eat off the spoon — without store bought pectin.
Course #4
Food Preservation Beyond Canning
- Fermentation Mastery, value: $147
- Master The Art of Dehydration, value: $99
Plus lessons exclusive to Pioneering Today Academy members
Learn how to dehydrate your tomatoes, make your own gut-health-boosting sauerkrauts and kimchis while freeze drying raspberries. Plus discover which crops are easiest to keep in a root cellar, and how to perform a root cellaring technique even if you don’t have a technical root cellar or cold storage area. Also includes lessons on salt curing, freezing and infusing extracts.
Cooking and Baking
100+ lessons

Course #5
Cooking & Baking
- Home Baking Mastery, Value $147
- Sourdough Mastery, Value $197
- Fresh Ground Flour Baking, Value $99
Plus lessons exclusive to Pioneering Today Academy members
The opportunities for kitchen creations are endless — but sometimes we get stuck on repeat. Learn the foundational kitchen skills + recipes to liven up mealtimes. Get back to your ancestral roots with traditional cooking approaches: cast iron, dutch oven and woodstoves. Plus you’ll find lessons on kitchen foundations, broth, homemade pasta and seasonings. As well as over 70 lessons on bread, sourdough and baking.
Raising Livestock
20 lessons

Course #6
Raising Livestock
Exclusive to Pioneering Today Academy members
Raising livestock is a big commitment. In this course, you’ll learn how to raise laying hens, meat chickens, pigs, and cattle using regenerative practices and pasture rotation. Plus understand your options for animal feed alternatives to commercially supplied feeds.
Dairy and Cheese
20 lessons

Course #7
Dairy & Cheese
Includes: Fermented Dairy, value: $69
Plus lessons exclusive to Pioneering Today Academy members
Boost your gut-health with home-made fermented dairy – kefir milk, greek yogurt and sour cream – at a fraction of the price of store-bought. Plus make buttermilk and yogurt to get your cheese started.
Cheese making doesn’t require a lot of specialized equipment — you probably already have what you need in your kitchen. These lessons will have you rethinking your visit to the grocery store cheese aisle — whip up your own cottage cheese, ricotta, feta, mozzarella, and more!
Herbalism & Natural Remedies
50+ lessons

Course #8
Practical Home Herbalism
Includes: Practical Home Herbalism for Cold and Flu Season, Value: $249
Plus lessons exclusive to Pioneering Today Academy members
Homesteading doesn’t just apply to food — learn how to make preventatives that can be used to assist your body in warding off illness. This course will teach you the ins and outs of herb-based safety and how to stock your medicine cabinet with effective tinctures, syrups, salves and more.
Course #9
Medicinal Herb Garden from Seed to Harvest
Exclusive to Pioneering Today Academy members
So you know some herbs can be medicinal, but which ones and how do you use them? This course will teach you which plants have medicinal uses and how to use them safely. Plus, how to plant and harvest a medicinal herb garden customized for you and your family. You’ll also discover why it’s so important to plan ahead.
Bath and Body
10+ lessons

Course #10
Bath & Body
Contains some lessons from Natural Homemade Bath and Beauty, Value: $49
Plus lessons exclusive to Pioneering Today Academy members
In this course you’ll learn how you can homestead for your skin! Learn how to safely make salves, body products and soap for happy healthy skin without all the additives.
The Homestead Life
20+ lessons

Course #11
Homestead Household Management
Exclusive to Pioneering Today Academy members!
When you’re a homesteader, it helps so much to be organized way beyond when to plant and how long to leave your dough to proof. In this course we tackle everything household related to help you learn how to run an effective + efficient homestead.
Course #12
Homestead Preparedness
Exclusive to Pioneering Today Academy members!
Preparedness goes hand-in-hand with homesteading. We provide you with resources to help you get as prepared as possible for whatever event comes your way.
Think of the Library as a choose-your-own-adventure
These courses are instant access, self-paced and taught in bite-sized lessons with systems that build on one another. Let your interest guide your path.
The lessons are designed to easily fit into your day — and most lessons come with a printable download for easy reference. Pick a video, then watch and implement straight away!
You’ll be amazed how quickly you’ll make noticeable steps in your homestead.
Say goodbye to:

Say Hello to:
Creating the homestead that works for you, as fast or as slow as you want
The only place you’ll need to look for homesteading guidance ever again
Building your homesteading foundations using tried and tested methods
12 self-paced courses, 450+ bite-sized lesson, Printable guides
Lessons for every homesteading skill level
Learning by doing
“I love how Melissa shows in detail the “little” things that make a difference between a “basic” loaf of bread and a “great” loaf of bread.”
“My friend gave me a sourdough starter after hearing about my homesteading journey. I panicked and said I don’t know anything about sourdough. I searched through the academy videos and found the sourdough series. Melissa made it so easy.”
“The simplified steps have helped to breakdown the monumental task of preparing my family for rough times ahead into manageable pieces, requiring time and effort, no doubt. However, these steps are achievable, can be delegated and have placed my family in a much better position. I’m so very grateful and look forward to learning more and implementing these steps! Repeatedly, as needed!”
“While in this academy I started water bath canning and it has given me more confidence. The lessons are in depth and give you the confidence and skills you need to start applying the lessons to your life. Melissa is a fantastic teacher and has a wealth of knowledge! This academy has more than I could have even imagined!”
“Melissa shares reality with us…such as the potato planting video where she openly admits to being late in planting but is going for it anyway. That really helps me just go for it too and that mindset has really helped grow my skills.”
Bonuses for all new members
(no matter when you sign up)

Monthly Seasonal Harvest Guide and Monthly Harvest to Table seasonal recipes
Valued at $228 annually
Feel confident harvesting + using seasonal foods to nourish your family.
- Harvesting tips
- Preserving tips, recipes and tutorials
- From-scratch recipes featuring seasonal produce every hungry moment of the day
- Seasonal herb harvest + recipe tips
- Make-your-own craft + remedies based on seasonal items
- A brand new guide + recipes every month

Pioneering Today Academy BASIC
Value: $90/ year
Discover the basics of the modern homestead with this curated library of 130+ popular video tutorials.

Custom Tea Towel
Value: $12
We find homesteaders have a certain affinity for Mason Jars — so we couldn’t resist having this tea towel custom-made for our Academy members.
Be reminded of your homesteading network every time you cover your dough to prove.
It’s 100% cotton.

Melissa’s personal recommendations for homesteading items + coupon codes*
A curated list of Melissa’s favourite items for all the different aspects of homesteading — she’s done the research, so you don’t have to.
* Where applicable.
“This information is so complete and wonderful. These recipes look delicious and I cannot wait to start trying them.”
— Deborah, Harvest to Table recipe bonus
Ready to grow, preserve, cook, raise, bake and make your way to your homestead, your way?
Alongside a lovely bunch of people who get it?
Pioneering Today Academy Membership
Pay Monthly
Automatically billed monthly
Cancel anytime. No refunds.
Most Popular!
Pioneering Today Academy Membership
Pay Annually
That's the equivalent of 2 months free!
Automatically billed annually
Cancel anytime. 15-day happiness guarantee.
Pioneering Today Academy Membership
Pay once for Lifetime access
Pay once. Get access for life.
15-day happiness guarantee.
I joined for what I thought was going to be just a year to check things out… here I am in year 4 and have no plans of going anywhere. Every year there is so much more to learn and so many more benefits to staying.”
— Monica
Wanna hear more from our members?
Wow, my February bill was only $300, down from $643!
— Ann, Taking part in the Stretch Your Dollar Challenge
“I am beyond grateful for the push of this challenge and feeling like there were a hundred other momma’s out there somewhere that were working right alongside me! Thank you again for organizing us into efficiency machines with dash of motivation and a generous helping of encouragement!”
— Jay , Taking part in the Fall into Homesteading challenge
“I have been overwhelmed to the point of inactivity. This challenge has has given me the framework to move ahead and create the “homestead” that I want. I am no longer overwhelmed but moving forward in a logical, organized fashion based on the lessons we have had so far. I can't wait for the next challenge!!!!”
— Linda, Taking part in the Homestead Preparedness Challenge
“While I'm taking inventory I'm wiping down everything and decluttering to the max right now! Every day feels better and better and I have a sense of calm where before I had a sense of urgency. I wake up each day with a feeling of anticipation, that the future is bright and the garden is plentiful. I am looking forward to pulling on my boots each day and getting my hands in the dirt to tend to our future. [This challenge] is teaching me how to better provide for my family from within a sense of calm and confidence that I have never known before. I used to dread the mornings… now I can't wait for sunlight before I'm out in my garden again.”
— Monica
The Pioneering Today Academy may be a good fit for you if…

15 day happiness guarantee
If you sign up to the annual or lifetime plans and realise the Pioneering Today Academy isn’t for you, we’ll give you a full refund. Just let us know within 15 days. We might ask why so we can learn what didn’t work for you.
The 15 day happiness guarantee doesn’t apply to the monthly membership plan — that can be cancelled at any time (no refunds)
“Fermenting has always seemed so intimidating to me, but this community and the support are so encouraging and helpful that I feel like I can take on this new challenge with a bit more confidence. For this week’s homework I started a pint of garlic ginger carrots and a pint of ginger thyme carrots.”
— Char, Taking part in the Food for Fall and Winter Challenge
Can you remind me what I get when I join?
Absolutely. Here’s a quick recap:
Inside the Library
You’ll get instant access to 12 online, self-paced courses accompanied with printable guides, charts and checklists. That’s over 450 lessons on:
Inside the Community
The Pioneering Today Academy
The only homesteading membership you’ll ever need
Pioneering Today Academy Membership
Pay Monthly
Automatically billed monthly
Cancel anytime. No refunds.
Most Popular!
Pioneering Today Academy Membership
Pay Annually
That's the equivalent of 2 months free!
Automatically billed annually
Cancel anytime. 15 day happiness guarantee.
Pioneering Today Academy Membership
Pay once for Lifetime access
Pay once. Get access for life.
Cancel anytime. No refunds.
Here’s what I know to be true about homesteading:
- Every homestead is unique
Your homestead will look different to anyone else's — as it should.
No two homesteads will be the same — we lead different lives in different locations with different resources.
You can be successful with whatever resources you have. Sure, you won’t be able to grow a whole year's worth of veggies in a 20ft backyard, but you can grow some (and likely more than you think!). Take it one step at a time. You’ll be amazed what you can do with the resources you’ve got.
- Building a homestead takes time (but not as long as you think)
Have you noticed how the best things in life all take time + effort? Building your homestead won’t be an overnight thing. So yes, it takes time. It’s supposed to.
But chances are, you already know this — after all, if you were after a quick microwave-zapped meal, you wouldn’t be here.
So, I could tell you that it’ll take effort – like a baby learning to walk – except with all the resources in the Pioneering Today Academy, I’m confident you’ll be experiencing the homegrown, handmade life much sooner than you might think — with less falling over.
But if you’re ready to:
- …Cook delicious, nourishing meals where you know the exact ingredients
- …Look outside your window and see flourishing herbs
- …Experience the joy of making something completely from scratch, with love, for your family
- …and belong in a community of like-minded souls
Then hop on in. I can’t wait to meet you.
So, will you join me and 1500+ members inside?
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes the Pioneering Today Academy different from other homesteading memberships?
A few things.
Consistency. With the Pioneering Today Academy you get one main teacher – Melissa – for your lessons and group mentorship calls. And you’ll get regular support from the admin team in the community.
Depth of information. That’s not to say we make it complicated – we don’t – but Melissa’s courses go deep into the topics while still making all the information digestible and easy-to-follow.
Our community. It’s so much more than just advice. It’s camaraderie. Our members form bonds that go deep. They support one another, they pick each other up, they cheer each other on. Some of them even meet up in person!
Faith. Our members requested a dedicated faith-based area within the community. All faiths are welcome. Members use this space to post faith-related messages, and ask for prayers. It’s a member-driven and member-supported area of the community. And they love it!
Experience. Between myself and my team we have 102 years of homesteading experience that we’re always happy to share.
Our experience is hard-earned. We’ve learned from our mistakes so you’ll get the benefit of learning the methods that work – and why – and avoiding all the things that don’t. But this is so much more than a bunch of how-to videos. It’s guidance, mentorship, support, problem solving… Jump straight in with your questions, we’re here to help you grow + accomplish your goals.
Plus, it’s the only membership where you get regular ‘storytime with Melissa’ (and trust us, you’ll laugh).
Will I receive personalized support?
This isn’t a one-to-one program, however, every month there are two live mentorship calls with Melissa where you can submit your questions. Plus you can post in the Community anytime and receive support from Melissa, her team, and the community — the community doesn't hesitate to support a member with a question!
Remind me, what exactly do I get?
- Course #1: Growing your own fruits and vegetable
- Course #2: Successful Seed Saving
- Course #3: Home Canning with Confidence
- Course #4: Food Preservation Beyond Canning
- Course #5: Cooking & Baking
- Course #6: Raising Livestock
- Course #7: Dairy & Cheese
- Course #8: Medicinal Herb Garden from Seed to Harvest
- Course #9: Practical Home Herbalism
- Course #10: Bath & Body
- Course #11: Homestead Household Management
- Course #12: Homestead Preparedness
- A friendly, supportive Community
- Quarterly Challenges to kick start your homesteading in a particular focus area
- 2x Live Mentorship Calls with Melissa per month
- BONUS: Monthly Seasonal Harvest Guide + Monthly Harvest to Table Seasonal Recipes
- BONUS: Pioneering Today Academy BASIC, curated course
- BONUS: Custom Tea Towel
I already have one of Melissa’s courses. Should I still join the Academy?
It depends on what you want to do in your homestead. If the course you already have gives you what you need, wonderful! However, if you’re on this page then I imagine you’re curious about how much more you could do with your homestead. That’s where the membership comes in – it gives you access to all the topics Melissa teaches, so it’s like renting a space in her brain for as long as you need it. Plus not all the courses we sell separately are the same versions inside the membership (see next question for more about that).
What's the difference between the courses you sell separately and the ones inside the membership?
In general, the courses inside the membership are longer and more comprehensive.
Our courses fall into three categories:
- Courses that share some lessons with courses you can buy, but also contain some additional lessons not found in the stand-alone courses, and don’t include others that are in the stand-alone courses.
- Courses that are the same as the ones you can buy separately on the website.
- Courses exclusive to Academy members — these can’t be purchased separately.
How much time does this need from me, really?
You can invest as much or as little time as you like in the Academy. However, we recommend you only join if you’re willing to take at least one lesson per week (or take part in a challenge or live call) so that you can be drip-feeding your homesteading knowledge and enjoy the difference it makes to your homesteading.
….The more you put into it, the more you get out of it!
(In general, lLessons range from 3 minutes to 30 minutes.)
Is this a mega-program that’ll take years to get a result? I don’t have much time to put into this.
It’s true that there is a lot inside the membership. But we’re confident you’ll start to benefit as soon as you take your first lesson. (But the courses are all self-paced, so there’s no rush… however, don’t be surprised if you get so excited by your new knowledge that you suddenly start finding time you didn’t know you had!)
There’s so much included. Where should I start?
Start with our welcome videos and then orientate yourself with what’s available. After that, we recommend you start with whatever topic takes your interest. Let us know what that is and we’ll send you a direct link to a lesson that’ll get you started. Explore it as little or as much as you wish, and then move onto a different topic.
Plus, my Content Director, Michelle (a.k.a. “the one who keeps this all hanging together”) will be hosting a monthly office hour to help with any questions related to your membership or the Academy platforms.
What does it look like to ‘build on your skills’?
Let’s take bread as an example. You might go through all of the steps below, or you might stop at whichever step makes you content:
- You decide you don’t want to buy bread from the store anymore. You’re going to bake your own.
- You find my lesson that teaches you how to make the Perfect Sandwich Bread with All-purpose Flour. You love the results. Baking the sandwich loaf just becomes part of your routine.
- You decide you don’t want to use store bought yeast anymore. You explore the lesson ‘How to Make Sourdough Starter’ and get going.
- Then you try the lesson ‘How to Make Sourdough Sandwich Bread’ and love the loaf. Baking this loaf becomes part of your routine.
- You are loving making bread so much you decide you don’t want to make it with store-bought flour anymore. You’re going to learn how to grind your own flour at home, so you look up the lesson ‘How to Grind Flour at Home and Choosing a Mill’ and set to it with grain you bought at the farmers market.
- You had so much fun grinding flour from the farmers market, you decide to grow your own wheat to mill into flour, then bake into sourdough.
- After watching a ‘master dough’ lesson, you start your weekly Sourdough ‘Master Dough’
- Throughout your busy week, you’re able to use your sourdough master dough to bake sourdough artisan loaves, sourdough pizza, sourdough dinner rolls, sourdough tortillas, and more!
Alternatively, you might start making different types of bread or sourdough bread.
…With over 70 lessons on baking, you’ve no shortage of things to explore!
Do I need any special equipment? How much will that cost?
We recommend you start where you're at. No need to run out and buy a $3000 freeze dryer — phew! Find the things you can do now using supplies you’ve already got, and slowly build up from there.
How much land do I need to be successful at homesteading?
That depends on what you want to do. If you want to grow your own herbs / fruits / veggies, then you’ll need some space to do it.
We always recommend using what you have to start with — be that a windowsill, a balcony, a backyard (or a willing friend with one 😉), a community garden, some rented land …or a ranch!
I didn’t like school. Will I get on with this?
Most of our students are from the US (coast to coast). And we have some in Canada, Australia, England and Sweden too. Most of the lessons are applicable wherever you are. Melissa teaches you how to identify your growing zone so you’ll know what to do, and when.
I’m on the other side of the USA / not in the USA – will what you teach still apply to me?
We think the Academy suits most learning styles and appeals more than school because our members are actively choosing to learn. The lessons are short and you can choose which you do and the order you do them.
What makes Melissa qualified to teach this?
Melissa is a fifth generation homesteader leaning on the four generations of experience before her. She also has 25+ years of wisdom gained from her own trials, errors and successes, and does research into the science behind what she’s learned. Which she shares with her members in an easy-to-follow way.
Is this for me if I’m just getting started as a homesteader?
Absolutely! It’ll save you years of trial, error, frustration and disappointment. You’ll have all the information you need at your fingertips within the Library, Challenges to get you making huge leaps, live Q&As for your questions, and a community of knowledgeable homesteaders on hand to support. It’s basically the best place to start — and to stay. 😊
Is this for me if I’m an experienced homesteader? I already grow / bake / preserve…
Probably. We’ve got some very experienced homesteaders in our mix and often hear how much the lessons have benefitted them.
Take a look at what’s included and see if there’s some aspects to homesteading you’ve not tried yet. Got something specific in mind and want to know if it’s covered? Drop us an email at [email protected] and we’ll let you know.
I’m still not sure. When will the doors open again if I decide not to join?
I usually open the doors twice a year — so if this isn't the right time, you'll have the opportunity to join again in the future. Be sure to join the waitlist (once doors close this time around) and we’ll email you to let you know when doors re-open.
If you’ve still got questions about whether the Pioneering Today Academy is right for you, pop us an email at [email protected] with your questions and we’ll get back to you.
What happens after I pay? When can I start?
You can get started right away! You’ll receive a couple of emails confirming your subscription, giving you the links to the Library and the Community, and your log in details. We have a special welcome area in both – start there to orientate yourself, then go look at whatever takes your fancy!
How long will I have access to the Pioneering Today Academy?
Until you cancel! This is an ongoing membership that starts the day you sign up. Monthly members will be charged on a monthly basis and can cancel anytime. Annual members will be charged on an annual basis, one year after their original sign up date. Lifetime members sign up once and have membership for life.
How long will I have access to the courses?
For as long as you’re a member. If you bought a course prior to becoming a member, you’ll keep access to it even if you leave the Pioneering Today Academy.
What’s your refund policy?
We’re confident you’ll love the Pioneering Today Academy. But if for any reason you don’t, monthly memberships can be cancelled at any time.
If you sign up to the annual or lifetime plans, we give you a 15 day happiness guarantee.
How do I cancel?
Simply log-in to your library, click billing, and hit cancel then save changes. If you used Paypal you’ll cancel inside your Paypal account. If you need any assistance just drop us a note at [email protected] and we'll get you sorted. (we don’t make it difficult, promise!)
What platform do you use? I’m not Facebook
The Community is hosted on a platform called Circle. It’s a private group managed by Melissa & team. We encourage members to post their questions, successes, and all their homesteading ponderings. You won’t find any ads, spam or junk here.
The Library is hosted on Kajabi – an online course platform that makes it really easy to navigate the courses + lessons. You can also post questions or comments underneath videos.
Join Pioneering Today Academy
Pioneering Today Academy Membership
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per month
Plus these BONUSES
Cancel anytime. No refunds.
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Pioneering Today Academy Membership
Pay Annually
That's the equivalent of 2 months free!
Plus these BONUSES
Cancel anytime. 15-day happiness guarantee.
Pioneering Today Academy Membership
Pay once for Lifetime access
Once, ever!
Plus these BONUSES
15-day happiness guarantee.