This DIY BeeCool Sore Muscle rub uses essential oils to create a soothing rub for areas that ail you. The more I delve into studying the use of herbs and natural remedies in my home health care, the more I find myself whipping up and making my own balms, salves, and remedies.
The homesteader in me loves this because I can literally grow some of my own medicine. When we purchase things already made, we’re paying for packaging and time. And sometimes that’s completely okay. We’d be hard pressed to make everything ourselves and there’s somethings we’re unable to produce on our own land due to climate or equipment.
If you’re like me, you like getting back to basics in both your medicine cabinet, kitchen, garden and barnyard with plenty of DIY options and recipes.
Disclosure/Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional nor a health care professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA. Use your own research before using any herbs or essential oils medicinally.
Want 96% Off Herbs & Essential Oils Learning Resource?
This year’s edition of the Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle includes 16 ebooks and printables and 10 full eCourses!
These top-quality resources cover everything you need to give you the skills and confidence to start using natural remedies in your home.
You’ll learn:
- How to use herbs and essential oils safely
- DIY homemade herbal and essential oil recipes
- How to build your own herbal and natural medicine cabinet
- Simple remedies for treating sore muscles, coughs, colds, flu and more all naturally!
Plus, it comes with over $100 worth of bonus offers from companies you’ll love (even essential oil products!). check it out here
This recipe and tutorial is shared with you from my friend Renee of HardLotion.com who has fabulous DIY tutorials and recipes, plus also sells her homemade and natural skin care products when we’re too busy to make our own.
DIY BeeCool Sore Muscle Rub Ingredients
Beeswax– Not only does this offer a hardness to the rub, but beeswax helps retain moisture in the skin. While I have purchased beeswax from our local bee keeper, when making salves and rubs, I’ve found the pellet form to be the easiest and quickest for measuring.
Shea butter– I purchase mine here, you can also interchange this with cocoa butter, but cocoa butter generally is a harder butter, and you might need to increase the coconut oil.
Coconut oil-this is a stand by in our kitchen.
Menthol crystals– these are a by-product of peppermint essential oil.
Peppermint essential oil
Tea Tree essential oil
Note: this should not be used on children as peppermint and tea tree oil are not recommended for topical use on children. Consult with a health care provider of your choice.
Food Scale– this is less than $15 and I use it every time I make any salve or lotion. Totally worth it.
How to Make DIY BeeCool Sore Muscle Rub
- Create a double boiler over medium low heat. Melt the beeswax, coconut oil, and shea butter.
- Remove from heat and stir in menthol crsytals and essential oils. Make sure they’re well combined through out the entire mixture.
- Pour into tubes, tins, or small jars.
- Allow to cool and rub on wherever you need some soothing aid.

DIY Sore Muscle Rub Salve
- 3 ounces beeswax
- 3 ounces coconut oil
- 3 ounces shea butter
- 4-6 Tablespoons menthol crystals*
- 20 drops peppermint essential oil
- 10 drops tea tree essential oil
- *adjust to your liking start with the lower amount and increase as desired
- In a double boiler melt beeswax, coconut oil, and shea butter.
- Remove from double boiler and stir in remaining ingredients.
- Make sure essential oils and menthol are combined well and pour into desired containers.
- Lip balm tubes work well for an on the go method, but tins and jars will work as well.
Special Bonus
I‘m offering an additional bonus to anyone who purchases the Herbs & Essential Oils Bundle through my affiliate link, because I want you to be safe and have the knowledge you need to be successful and get started building and using a natural medicine cabinet with herbal remedies for cough and cold, skin issues, sleep and calming, and more!
A 2 page quick reference sheet of herbs listed by their medicinal properties, from anti-inflammatory, insect repelling, anti-viral and many more categories.
To get my bonus, plus the 26 products (including 16 eBooks & printables and 10 eCourses) in the Herbs & Essential Oils Bundle, you only need to do two things:
1. purchase the bundle here
2. then go to melissaknorris.com/heobonus to claim your bonuses from me.
The combined value of the resources in the bundle is over $770, but you get EVERYTHING for 96% off!
Check it out here: Herbs & Essential Oils Bundle for building a natural medicine cabinet, natural cough and cold treatment , and much more!
I use this as my base recipe for my homemade pain Salve. I found if you start with hemp seed oil and add menthol crystals place in jar with lid. Close jar after adding 2 ingredients,
place in dark area shake every 3 days. This infuses these two items. Helps strengthen salve. I leave in dark area for 1 to 2 weeks.
When infused oil is finished add essential oils in an old bowl mix well for 2 minutes. Then add in your melted Shea butter, Coconut oil and Beeswax. Then pour into jar.
Thanks for sharing
A great recipe for a novice like me. The rub has a lasting cool feel, but be patient as it has a few minutes delay. I added extra mint oil to mine as I had post hepatic neuralgia from shingles. Far better than the big brand shop bought stuff and pennies rather than pounds. Relief at last and I can actually use my arm again without fear of pain.
Your recipe sounds good. I just wanted to point out that menthol crystals do not come from peppermint essential oil. It is an organic compound obtained from the oils of peppermint, corn mint and other mint plants. Oils and essential oils of plants are different things.
Thanks so much for this recipe!! I’ve been living with severe chronic pain for 16 years now, so glad I can now maybe my own muscle rub!! Honestly I couldn’t really afford to buy it anymore with just disability as income. Plus it’s so nice to know every ingredient.
Can I substitute Epsom Salts for the Menthol crystals?
Hi there!
Thanks so much for the recipe. I made it and put into jars, it’s really hard and I’m afraid it will be too hard for my customers to get out and enjoy. If I remelt the salve to put it into push up containers will the menthol stay strong or will it get weaker from melting again?
This is more of a question than a comment. Is it ok that I substituted the menthol for eucalyptus oil until I get some menthol?
Where do you find Menthol Crystals?
Rose, you can get them here http://amzn.to/2rKLJdR
Thank you so much for this! My husband is deathly allergic to coconut, would olive oil make an acceptable substitute?
The olive oil would make it too soft I’m afraid, but you could try just increasing the shea butter in place of the coconut oil.
Melissa, Thank you for the recipe to make the sore muscle rub at home. I have been learning how to make more and more things at home instead of buying them and I can’t wait to try this rub. I am wondering if it can be used on kids ages 2 yrs to 12 yrs old. I have five grandkids and I love making things their mom can use on them also.
I plan on making your homemade cake recipe too.
I love your whole website by the way. It makes me happy just to read it. I love Little House on the Prairie too.
Thank you,
This one is not recommended for kids under 12. I hope you enjoy the cake recipe!