Planning a garden can be exciting as we choose a garden location and prepare the soil. We are excited to see those lush rows of vegetable and fruit plants grow and produce, but first, we need to purchase seeds.

My Family’s Seeds
It is no secret that it’s important to use seeds that you can save and use again. Read on to learn the history of heirloom seeds and why they are the better choice to grow. Then, you will be ready to learn more about the characteristics of heirloom seeds and where to buy heirloom seeds.
My childhood is full of gardening memories. I remember growing our own vegetables, harvesting the garden efficiently so nothing went to waste, and preserving the harvest in multiple ways to enjoy all year.
I watched my dad save and dry heirloom seeds at the end of the growing cycle, and we shared them with neighbors and friends, which helped build community sufficiency.
In the 1940s, my grandparents moved from North Carolina to Washington. They could only bring a few of their most treasured possessions with them, and their heirloom seeds were one of them. The green bean seeds they brought are still as healthy as they were eighty years ago.
When I think of how many lives have been touched by that first heirloom vegetable seed my ancestors planted, I’m humbled by what God can do with something so small. It’s incredible how we can put a tiny seed in the ground and produce bushels of food.
The volume of information can be daunting if you are just beginning your gardening journey. The Family Garden Plan will help you plan your garden from beginning to end. It includes charts to help you stay organized and allows space for records and information to save from year to year.
The History of Seeds
Seed saving has been taking place for thousands of years. In fact, seeds used to be distributed by the U.S. postal service, free of charge, to farmers to grow and adapt to different climates. The key here is seeds were selected and distributed specifically for how they would do in that area’s climate, and this diversity was encouraged.
However, in 1924, the American Seed Trade Association saw the potential for growth and convinced the federal government to discontinue the free seed distribution program.
Intellectual property rights and patents were developed, making it illegal for individuals to save most seeds owned by corporations. This seems to be when seed saving and its role in our culture changed. (Source)

What Are Heirloom Seeds?
The term heirloom indicates something passed down through the years. Heirloom seeds are open-pollinated seeds that have been around for generations. The common understanding is that to call a seed an heirloom (all heirloom varieties are open-pollinated but not all open-pollinated seeds are heirloom), you will need to be able to trace it back 50 years.
The parent heirloom plants pass on characteristics to the child plant. Gardeners learn to know their plants and only save seeds from the plants with the best traits. The seeds can be saved and planted again year after year.
These seeds are in their natural state and not genetically modified. With the threat of GMOs invading our food sources, I remain dedicated to only planting heirloom seeds and educating others on the many benefits.

Different Types of Seeds
There are three different types of seeds to buy. While they all have a purpose, my seed of choice will always be heirlooms. Here is a short overview to give you an understanding of the differences.
- Heirloom Seeds – These are seed varieties developed through open pollination and handed down through generations. A gardener saves the best seeds year after year, continuing a unique strain of the best traits and characteristics.
- Hybrid Seeds – Hybrid seeds are created by combining two varieties of the same plant. Scientists choose the best characteristics from each variety to create new hybrid plants that remain true to type.
- GMO Seeds – Scientists create genetically modified seeds by combining different organisms in a lab. Organisms can be viruses, bacteria, and even animal DNA.

Where to Buy Heirloom Seeds
Heirloom seeds are typically not found in a grocery store. Besides the apparent blessing of generational seed sharing, a few wholesale companies sell them.
In some towns, you may be able to find a seed savers exchange. These are fun to attend as you meet your local gardening community members.
Several reputable heirloom seed companies are Siskiyou Seeds, Seeds for Generations, MI Gardener (use coupon code Pioneering15 for 15% off at checkout), and Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.

Five Benefits of Heirloom Seeds
While listing my top five benefits for growing heirloom seeds, there are many more. Our ancestors worked to develop vigorous plants that have withstood the test of time because of disease-resistance traits. That is an invaluable part of our food systems and should not be lost.
Frugal Self-Sufficiency
Heirloom seeds need only be purchased once. You can save the seed every year, making them the ultimate in self-sufficiency. A gardener must buy hybrid and GMO seeds yearly because they can’t be saved and replanted, at least not with reliable results.

Stronger Plants
You, the gardener, are selecting the best-producing and vigorous plants to save the seed from each year. Your saved heirloom seeds will become stronger plants due to your natural selection.
They will also acclimate to your weather and climate, making them the best choice for where you live.
Better Flavor
Heirloom seeds haven’t been selected and bred for uniform shape to sell better on a grocery store shelf. Home gardeners take into consideration much more than the appearance of the plant. Their desire is also to achieve the best-tasting result.
The fruit or vegetable from an heirloom plant will have a depth of flavor rarely found in hybrid seeds.

Variety of Color and Shape
There are more varieties of heirloom and open-pollinated plants than hybrid seeds, and it’s so fascinating to grow the more unique heirloom varieties. You can grow purple potatoes and blue heirloom tomatoes in your vegetable garden.
Your heirloom garden should be as colorful as a masterpiece painting and as beautiful as it is delicious. There is beauty in variety.
Stories of Generations Past
Heirloom seeds are a living part of our ancestors and a living connection back to those who went before us. They’re just as God made them when He created this world and nature. Sharing these stories blesses those who hear and tightens the bond of community.
However, there is another side to the seed industry that must be discussed to have the whole picture. If you didn’t listen to my podcast interview with Don Tipping, you really should as he opened my eyes to some truths I wasn’t aware of.

Seed Companies and Heirloom Seeds
What’s important to remember is that seed companies aren’t typically saving and packaging their own seed. Some may, but in large part, they’re mostly all getting their seeds from the same place.
In fact, seeds sold in Maine likely weren’t grown and saved there, as Don says, because it’s simply too wet. Most seeds are grown in California, Oregon and Washington and then distributed around the country.
Seed Company Rules
There are germination percentages that seeds must adhere to in order to be sold to consumers. For instance, carrot seeds need to have something like a 65% germination rate. Don shared that if a company has carrot seeds with a 90% germination rate, they’ll add in old dead carrot seeds as fluff to make the germination rate 65% because they’ll make more money this way.

Seed Work is Slow
It’s great to understand how seed growers are trying to speed up the production of seeds. Don shared about a company growing carrots for their seed. Since carrots are a biennial crop, this means they need two growing seasons in order to bolt and collect the seeds.
This company was growing the seeds in the northern hemisphere, then shipping the carrots down to Chile that same year to continue growing and producing seeds.
However, the downfall of rushing the process resulted in a crop of carrots where about 40% of them bolted in the first year. Since carrots are a storage crop, this was unacceptable.

How Siskiyou Seeds Sources Seeds
Seed Freedom is one of Siskiyou Seed’s core values. They also share in their mission statement that they collaborate with small organic farms. Don explained this in the podcast.
Essentially, what this looks like is a contract between the farmer growing the seed and Siskiyou Seeds to say we’ll take “x” amount of seeds for “$xx.xx” per pound (prices vary depending on seeds). That farmer then grows that amount of seeds for Siskiyou and either doesn’t sell to any other company or Siskiyou is promised the first of the seeds they harvest.
Siskiyou Seeds also offers a Seed Academy where you can go and learn how to be a seed saver or a seed farmer. Don says they see the need for future seed growers because many of the older generation of seed growers are retiring.
Where to Find Siskiyou Seeds
If you’d like to shop from Siskiyou Seeds, browse their website and be sure to download their catalog. Also, while you’re there, check out their workshops and tours and even learn from their blog.

[…] 5 Reasons You Need Heirloom Seeds from Melissa K. Norris […]
Congratulations to the ten winners, happy planting.
I just ordered my heirloom seeds today! This is my very first year growing heirloom seeds! I am praying for a good garden year!
I’m new to gardening and have never used heirloom seeds. My dad was always the one with the gardens, but before he passes away I’m hoping to learn as much from him as a I can.
I love using heirloom seeds. I can’t wait to start my garden this spring. Good luck!
I have been seed saving for a very long time. It is such a joy to feel the life in these seeds.
I have planted heirloom seeds and saved some of the seeds. I am still learning and want to learn more and continue planting them!
We try to always use an heirloom seed. Right now we have some tomatoes and pepper plants started. Our last frost is the end of March. I would love to start some tarheel green beans!
I’ve never used heirloom seeds, but you have inspired me to do so this year. 🙂
I just discovered your podcast and I’m hooked! It makes me think about my Grandma that passed a few years ago and I love all the things she taught me. Of course she grew up in the Great Depression and knew how to do so many things that our generation would never learn if it wasn’t for her generation. But you are helping to keep those traditions alive. Thanks for what you are doing, Melissa!
This is my first year gardening and I am starting to use some varieties of heirloom seeds…I am excited for the experience 🙂
I cannot wait to try my hand at planting heirloom seeds !!!
I have two raised beds with two more in the making, as well as, a 5′ x 12′ plot for peas and corn. All my seeds are organic, heirloom. I’m looking forward to freezing, dehydrating and canning this spring and summer.
have only tried heirloom plants
Going to try straw bale gardening this year and planning on using only heirloom varieties. Green beans are a family favorite.
I’m so excited for your giveaway! I hope I win, Tar Heel beans sound so declious and your make wonderful addition to our garden.
Thanks for the chance to enter!
I have never used heirloom seeds but would love to see the difference. Thanks for the giveaway!!!! Love your Pod casts and site. So encouraging 🙂
We don’t yet have an heirloom seed story but hope to have one for our kids to share! 😀
We just recently moved to 5 acres and are looking forward to spring planting in our new larger garden!
I have not used Heirloom Seeds but would love to start! thank you!
I have not tried to save seeds before so this would be a great opportunity and motivator to keep the history going!
I have not used heirloom seeds in the past, but I hope to start incorporating them in this year’s garden.
I have never saved seeds but have always wanted to. It seems a little daunting with having to worry about cross pollination and all that. I would like to begin with such a versatile and proven crop of beans! I love that you can do more with them than just one crop! I really enjoy your blog and love your emphasis on Christ. It is so nice to “get to know” kindred spirits!
Thank you for your willingness to give away and share some of your precious seeds!
Last year was the first year I’ve saved seeds. Am eager to see how they do replanted.
The only heirloom seeds I have are from a black tomato. I would love to try different varieties of heirloom seeds. I believe that planting and knowing where your food is coming from is really sadly the only way to know what’s really in your food. My two little girls love green beans, hope we win!
I’ve only been gardening for a few years, and the first couple I didn’t have much success. So I hadn’t started venturing out and saving seeds yet. I’ve only had really productive bounties over the last 2 years. I may try to start saving seeds this year if I have another successful year!
I love the story connected with your seeds. We don’t have any seeds handed down in our family, but this could be our chance to be able to pass some on to our kids!
Oh, dear, I have so much to learn! Can’t wait to get started! Judy
Yes, I use heirloom seeds. My favorite are my Great grandfathers’ Cantaloupe Heirloom Seeds. He grew the best tasting and sweetest Cantaloupe I have ever tasted. He also had the sweetest Sweet Corn and great Watermelon.
I have never used heirloom seeds! I would love to try some. We just moved & our income is extremely low right now so this would be a great way to grow some of my own food for summer 🙂
I will be planting heirlooms for the first time this year. Can’t wait to see how the flavor compares to the old standbys.
I had tried saving seeds many times before but never had much luck! Will only be planting heirloom seeds from now on! Can’t wait for the snow to melt!
I love heirloom seeds. Been saving and trading them for a few years now. My favorite would have to be all the tomato varieties!
We are just going to start using heirloom seeds this year. So excited to get started
Have been using heirlooms for years now. Was just debating which type of pole beans to go with this year….:)
This will be our families first year on our homestead gardening. We have ordered our seeds from baker creek. We live in north carlina and my husband and I were born and bred here. We are TAR HEELS!!!! Would love your family’s heirloom seed in our garden
I tried saving seeds from my garden last year — I saved lettuce and bean seeds. I’m excited to try growing them this year, although I have to admit I’m a little leery about whether I did it right or if they will truly grow. I like the fact that you don’t have to keep purchasing seeds every year — you make the investment once. I hope I win some of your seeds — I love that they have been in your family for over 100 years. I hope I can pass them on to my family :o)
Learned all about gardening and seed saving from my grandfather, who worked for the USDA in the field of plant introduction. Have heirloom pepper plants started from his seed that are my favorite.
I just started saving seeds – if they sprout this year, I’m going to be so delighted!
Baker Seeds is my go-to catalog, I have unfortunately lost, due to bad saving technique family heirloom seeds, have since learned my lesson on saving seeds.
I just got through going through the seeds I saved from last year. Hoping to add to my stash this fall!
Heirloom seeds would be wonderful for this years garden. we can most of our pole beans and enjoy them all winter long.
My husband’s mother gave us many of the seeds she saved for beans, six week beans, greasy beans, etc. We also order rattlesnake pole beans from a heirloom catalog and we love them.
I prefer to use heirloom also so that my crops next year will grow true to type. they seem to do better when I save my own seeds
I have not used heirloom seeds before but would love to.
This will be my second year planting heirloom seeds. Last year my favorites were the Straight Eight cucumber and okra (I would have to look at home and see what the name was.) The okra was amazing and I saved lots of seeds for this year. I would love to try the Tarheel Beans. The green beans I planted last year were not good – they were very “woody”. But I am going to try again this year.
I saved seeds from tomatoes and peppers last year and bought seed from Baker’s Creek that I hope to save this year.
We only grow Heritage and home saved seeds. One of my sons is a professional organic farmer.
He has developed some types of his own. We grow in particular his red pepper and yellow pepper
seeds. They are the long variety with just a bit of bite and thick walls. I can freeze by just dropping the whole peppers into a ziplock bag-no processing required-they thaw out whole and ready to be used even after a year in the freezer.
I think the home saved seed just gets better each season as it adapts to your area and growing conditions.
Love to add your beans to our garden and saved seeds.
I am new at learning about heirloom seeds, and what I’m learning is fascinating. I would be especially excited to win these for my garden. Green beans and tomatoes are a must!
I save my green bean seeds every year now and they grow beautifully.
Being from the Tarheel state, I would love to have these in my garden!
I have not done heirlooms yet..but want to begin
I’ve been learning to save my own seeds for the last several years. I still haven’t figured out Broccoli, cabbage, etc but I got a good handle on the rest. Now I am collecting heirloom seeds so I can actually start saving my own seeds. Would love to win my green bean seed!
My 3 year old and I have been looking through the Baker Creek catalogue and I don’t know who is more excited about having a garden. I am so looking forward to sharing this experience with my daughter and would love to have the Tarheel Green Beans seeds that I have heard you talk so much about on your podcast. I love your message and mission. Keep up up the good work.
I am ready to get out of the house & start working in the garden. I would enjoy having some heirloom seeds. Thanks for sharing
Would love to try those Tarheel Beans in my South Carolina garden.
Looking forward to making one of my raised bed “Heirloom only” and comparing it to my other beds. I have been trying to convince my husband of the benefits of heirloom plants for several years.
I use only heirloom seeds and would love to add your beans to my collection! I think my favorite heirloom is the Amish Paste tomato. They make a wonderful canned sauce.
The best memories of my Paternal and Maternal Grandfathers were of their gardens. Each of them produced amazing harvests, which were eagerly gobbled up by their grandchildren, myself included. In their day, a garden was a necessity and one was considered ill-prepared for life if one didn’t know how to start, properly tend, harvest and save your produce. This included saving seeds for the next year’s garden. I wish I had seed from either of these gardens! Especially their beefsteak tomatoes!
I would love to try these! I love listening to the stories you tell about your October beans! Do you ever sell these as well?
I have been using heirloom seeds almost exclusively the last few years. I am loving the challenge as I figure out what works for us and what doesn’t. I do not have a good set-up for planting my own seeds. I would love for that to be next! Thanks for all your info. It would be a privilege to win your beans!
I do use heirloom tomato seeds and I want to expand into all heirloom. I love reading your emails, they are so educational and so inspiring! Thanks for all you do!
I love heirloom varieties especially tomatoes & green beans! I don’t have a good garden spot right now but I’ve been collecting pots to plant in! My fave is a cherokee purple tomato, love the flavor! Last time I planted them the weather didn’t cooperate, too much rain & not enough heat & sunshine! I had a full sized garden then with maters, peppers, squash, cukes & lots of herbs! The peppers & cukes liked the weather but not the maters!
I am retired/disabled and have been gathering heirloom seeds for my garden. Since I live on a fixed income, I have had to get creative, but slowly I am building my supply. I love the feeling of connection to others that heirlooms give me. It’s like planting a little bit of history.
Thank you for everything you do! I have listened to all your podcasts and have loved everyone of them. You do a great job presenting all the info clearly. I am just starting on my garden and I want to do all heirloom seeds so I can start saving the seeds and not rely on the stores for everything. God will not forsake us but we need to do what we can as he gives us the opportunity to serve Him and his people! Keep the great content coming!
I’m a huge fan of any Heirloom tomatoes I think I’ve tried several varieties. However I am sure the other vegetables that I’ve read in this article are something I would like to try as well.
I have been using and saving heirloom tomato and bell pepper seeds that my brother gave me a couple of years ago. Each year I am incorporating more heirloom seeds as I can find them and my budget allows. Being born and raised… and now back in NC, I am eager to grow as many local heirloom vegetables as I can find. I love your blog and all the wisdom it gives us. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and for helping to preserve the ways of yesteryear. Sadly much of the knowledge of our ancestors is being lost and forgotten. And thank you for this awesome contest!
I visited Seed Savers Exchange a few years ago. I would like to start using all heirloom seeds.
Hey Melissa!
Are these the same “Tar Heel Pole Beans” available through White Harvest Seed Company? “Sent in by Estes and Schults families”?
Thank you, Katjo
I have a LOT to learn about Heirloom seeds/plants. Just started gardening 3 years ago and I’m loving it! My next challenge is Heirloom!
I love your site and would love some beans. I am finally able to get back to gardening after years of living in the city and working. When I was a young stay at home Mom, I shared a garden with a next door neighbor. I was in my 20’s and he was in his 70’s. It was an awesome experience and best of all he was an organic gardener. I am going to draw on that experience and hope to learn (relearn) so much more about sustainable living, gardening, preserving and enjoying the beauty of this life that God has given me. Blessings to you. Thanks for helping me along my journey. Jan
We’ve been using heirloom seeds ever since we attended a presentation given by Mr. Whealey from Seed Savers Exchange. We love the variety of the flavors from Prince Borghese tomatoes, Black from Tula tomatoes, Jimmy Nardello peppers, and Sausage Cream tomatoes. These are our favorites that we grow every year. Food from the grocery store never taste this good.
I tried heirloom plants from a nursery last summer. Those plants seemed to struggle a bit..although it was the first year. I wondered if I did something wrong In planting.
I would love to grow these beans. I will be the one starting a tradition by using heirloom seeds. I’m a beginning gardener. I canned my first veggies last year and want to do more. Grow more beans!
This will be my first garden this year and I’m planting heirloom seeds! 🙂 So excited!
There are 5 feet of snow on the ground here in Maine and it is 15º F. The thought of picking those delicious heirloom green beans is what keeps me going!
This will be my first time planting heirloom seeds. I can’t wait to get started.
I try to only plant heirloom seed if I can. I save seed to save money on my gardening. I save OP squash, broccoli, tomato and bean seed. Last year I saved parsnip seed let them grow back a second year to seed. I would so love to try your bean seed it sounds wonderful.
I gave Heirloom seeds to my daughter and son for Christmas. My favorite are tomato seeds.
I have not used heirloom seeds before as I never paid that much attention to the seed packet. But now I will!
I have just started growning heirloom seeds–mainly tomatoe and our field corn for the animals is heirloom I think. No family story of seed saving.
I would love to win your special family seeds! They would really help my family, too. Thanks for the chance!
I live in New England and we have had soooo much snow this year. I can not wait to get out into the dirt and plant our garden. I love Heirlooms.
I only plant heirloom and organic seeds. Though I am not certified, I do follow organic principles including no pesticide and chemicals.
I always save tomato seeds and every flower seed I can get my hands on from my friends and family. Not only saves money but you know that they are not GMO seeds,
I didn’t pay much attention to heirloom seeds until last year. But this year I purchased all heirloom seeds and my son and I are taking a seed starting class on Sunday. I can’t wait! Looking forward to watching God’s miraculous works in our garden this year.
This spring I am planning on growing lots of veggies. I have never grown pole beans but would like to try. I did plant some heirloom tomatoes a year or two ago and the flavor was remarkable . Thanks for all the great ideas .
Hope to start a garden this year. Have been saving some seeds for a couple of years.
We have some heirloom tomato seeds. We also have some seed (lots actually) that we save – I have one marigold that I bought 10 years ago . . . save that seed ALL THE TIME. I don’t like marigolds . . . but I love this one!!! Also have a tomato seed we got from a neighbour who brought them from Greece . . . .love saving seeds.
I wouldlove to try your heirloom pole beans! Had a small garden last summer, but all that grew were cucumbers!
I’ve not planted my own heirloom seeds (yet) but have purchased tomatoes from the farmer’s market that were grown from heirloom seeds–yummy!
We don’t have any heirloom seeds but love to garden! Would love to plant these!!!
Like to use heirloom varieties when we can but have tried to save seed only a couple of times.
You have inspired me on my journy both to garden and to use heirloom seeds!
I get your newsletter but today is the first time I went to your facebook page. I am very impressed and will be going back regularly. I even forward your newsletter to my husband. We get our seed from Baker Creek, sustainable seed and seed savers exchange. There are probably others we also buy from but I can’t remember them all. We are both in our 70s and still going strong. I canned over a thousand jars last year since May. We give a lot of our garden vegetables and some of our canned goods away. That thousand jars does not include the ones I helped my brother can and the 2 hogs we helped butcher. Nothing tame around here!!!!
Hey Melissa,,just also wanted to say I love your blog and the info Ive gotten from it. Thanks for what you do.
My favorite tomatoes are heirloom brandywine. Yum.
Whatever people say about hybrids, I love watching the shift back to how things used to be. “Conventional” farming hasn’t been conventional very long when you consider the millennia of agricultural history. Going back to true-to-seed varieties is a wonderful step in that direction. Being able to keep a plant going theoretically forever is a blessing indeed.
I only use heirloom seeds and plants in the garden. They are important for my bees.
Our local garden center carries heirloom varieties. I had some success with a couple varieties of heirloom tomatoes in the past, unfortunately I wasn’t aware of seed saving at that time. I’d like to start saving seeds for my grandchildren so they will have stories to tell like yours. Thanks for sharing your seeds!
Last year I put out the first garden of my own and I used store bought plants and seeds ( some GMO’s). And while it produced decently it was nothing compared to my dad’s garden. I thought it was just because he was a better gardener than I was but he assured me it was all because he made the switch to heirloom plants years ago. He got started with fat man and rattlesnake pole beans and once he saw the production difference and most importantly the taste difference he slowly got seeds from “old timers ” all over town. Thanks to mellisa k we were recently introduced to the baker creek catalog and my dad went crazy ordering new varieties! Some of which I will get a portion of along with his already long established veggies. I think both of us will have much better gardens this year because of this blog.
have used a few varieties in past. would like to use heirloom seeds exclusively
Melissa, Have been a reader for awhile now and I appreciate everything that you bring to the table in all ways. Have only a small garden but would love to start a few plants from seeds. Hopefully I can continue to harvest a few for next season. Thanks for all you do.
I am looking forward to planting heirloom seeds!
We want to thank you first for your inspiring blog, faith in our Heavenly Father and homesteading just GO together, and for offering to share your seeds. We’re looking forward to planting a HUGE garden on the one acre homestead God has blessed us with! God bless you!!!
I love to get Heirloom Seeds and always pick a few new ones each year. I’d love to start saving seeds, I”m still learning a lot.
We enjoy our Asparagus beans (a.k.a. Yard Long Beans) which we have grown and saved seeds from for many years. They are so heat hardy and yummy.
I’ve got a small start to an heirloom seed collection. I haven’t progressed to seed saving yet but I’m thinking beans are the easiest way to start. I remember you extolling the virtues of your family’s heirloom beans in an earlier blog post and would really love to try them.
I’d be totally willing to split a packet with someone since, after the first year, my stock of seed will multiply not diminish. 🙂
I use Heirloom tomatoes and peppers seeds. My dad and his family have always saved seeds (I was born and raised in Europe and my family still lives there). Thank you for the giveaway.
I’d love to try these heirloom seeds-thanks for this opportunity!
My fave heirloom seeds…no competition, it’s tomatoes. Our family is starting a farm this summer. Seeds are a must and we want to do all heirloom seeds. Amen.
GREEN BEANS! One of the few things that I have yet to get for this years garden, so it would be awesome to get some with such a noble history! Thanks for the chance to win!
Hubby and I have a small corner lot in a small, industrial southern city, and are trying to slowly build an heirloom food plot…. could use all the information and help we can get! 🙂
I tried heirloom seeds for the first time last year, but they didn’t grow. I plan to try again this year.
I have never tried heirloom seeds before but I would love to since I am starting a vegetable garden this year!
In the past 2 years I’ve been using heirloom seeds that I ordered from Seed Savers catalog. Not cool like your story but hey, maybe I can start a story for my descendants!
Usually I plant some heirloom and some hybrid seeds. After listening to your podcasts and reading your blog however, I’ve decided to grow all heirloom seeds this spring! I’ve been saving the seed from my dill for the past few years and it’s the one herb I always have seed for. I’m excited to start saving the seed from other plants too!
It’s so exciting to grow Heirloom plants, I love to no things naturally! I would love to win these seeds!
I love heirloom seeds from Baker Creek. We have not learned how to save seed yet. I use a number of their tomato seeds.
I love heirloom seeds and grow nothing but organic heirloom. I just started saving seeds finally so I don’t have a fave just yet. Looking forward to a wonderful bounty this season 🙂
Am starting to collect heirloom seeds so this would be a great addition. Thanks for the opportunity.
I have some tomato seeds I saved from a few years ago, I don’t know if they’re still good but that’s as far as I’ve gotten into heirloom seeds!
I don’t have much room for a garden but last year I built a 4X4 raised bed. I want to try square foot gardening with heirloom seeds.
I only use heirloom and non-GMO seeds. This a fabulous giveaway! I garden in two different zones in Arizona, so I like to try and see where the seeds do the best – or extend my growing season even more – whatever the case may be! Thanks!
I’ve always (50 years) been an organic gardener, but rarely saved my bean seeds, although I save tomato and pepper, even parsnip seeds, from year to year. I think it is time I save some heirloom bean seeds that are tried and true.
We buy our seeds from Baker’s Creek. The Cherokee tomato seeds are a favorite.
Love all your info! The garden is a spiritual place. It’s my little piece of heaven here on earth.
I have planted a few heirloom plants and they have been the best of all the vegetables in my garden.
This will be my first season using heirloom seeds. Thank you for the giveaway!
I do not know if I use heirloom seeds. I plant about 18 different kinds of vegetables, some from seed exchange, from friends, packets stuck in magazines (I call that one the Sunset magazine tomato), saved seeds from a Kamato and produced a lot of Kamatos from one plant. Bought some from mail order and some from the stores. So can’t rightly say
I am trying to develop my own heirloom seeds by saving seeds from the best plants over a number of years.
My wife & I are heading into our 3rd year with container gardening. Last year we lucked in to some heirloom tomatoes and WOW how sweet and huge they were. We saved seeds, hopefully the right way, and are hoping for more this year. We’re now hooked on heirlooms and wanting to branch out. We’re planning to move out of suburbia in the future where we can have a serious garden and greenhouse, LORD willing. You have a great blog Melissa. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
I’m better at saving flower seeds, but also save several varieties of squash seeds. I need to learn more and get better at this!
I have really enjoyed visitng your site for the past couple of months. You are so encouraging and it really makes me think I can do this whole “sustainable-natural-living” thing one step at a time. Thanks for all your do!
just learning to garden and doing it with heirloom seeds.
Heirloom seeds are the only way to go! Can’t wait till we can get our garden in this year. Thanks for such a helpful, informative site.
I love Heirloom seeds! We have purchased our seeds in the past and keep collecting them. I hope one day I will have family that I can pass the seeds to.
I am just starting with heirloom seeds and hope to never buy plants from the store again 🙂
My family just moved to an old farm house on 5 acres. I hope to plant a large garden this year… All heirloom seeds! I appreciate all the info you have on your website as I am making strides to be more of a homesteader!
Just moved to Georgia, so these seeds would be great for my new garden here 🙂
What are the approximate days til harvest for these seeds?
Heirloom is the only way to go.
Trying to switch over to heirloom this year! Thanks for the giveaway!
Would love some heirloom seeds. I need to get back into gardening now that my kids are older.
I would love to start heirloom seed planting, but have no idea where to start. I use to have some field peas that my dad saved from year, but I have no idea what I have done with them 🙁
Looking forward to learning all I can.
This is my second year doing heirloom seeds! I started with seeds from our local dairy farm, Hillside Farms, without even realizing they were heirloom seeds. This was also the first year I ordered from Baker Creek, and I can’t wait for this horrible weather in PA to go away so I can get my kids digging in the garden dirt again! 🙂 Thanks for the blog on winter planting of fruit trees as that is our next plan for home food production!
I love heirloom gardening! I was so excited to grow Glass Gem Corn last year and save seeds for this year. It was a long forgotten seed that had been kept going by a Native American man. 🙂
I can hardly wait for Spring, seams like it may never come, It is still below zero here at 3:30 in the after noon with a wind chill of about -25 below zero. So I’m Dreaming of the garden and planting seeds. bare feet in warm soil, and new baby plant growing a little more every day.
We have been organic gardeners for eons and are trying to convert all of our seeds to heirloom seeds. This is a great opportunity to get some heirloom beans. Thank you.
I am excited for the outdoor season of gardening. It’s been a long winter and I’m anxious to get my hands dirty!! I love that gardening provides for my family for months after the harvest! 🙂
I’ve not used heirloom seeds in the past, but plan to use some this year. Thanks for sharing your family’s heirlooms!
I’ve never had a garden, but we’re planning to plant one this year! 🙂
I just moved back to the country and plan on using as many heirloom seeds as much as possible.
thank you for giveaway and all the wonderful posts
Thanks for the information. I love heirloom seeds and try to use them in my garden each year.
I really prefer heirloom seeds, and love the story behind these. I would love to win some to try in my garden.
I love heirloom seeds! That’s the only kind I’ll buy.
used heirloom seeds for the first time last year. i saved some tomato seeds and will replant this year. i don’t really have a favorite, i’m just glad they are available.
Been gardening for years but just starting to realize them importance of heirloom seed saving…
beans are my favorite. they are like little jewels!
When I first started gardening over 35 yrs ago as a newlywed, I did try saving seed to plant the following year. I didn’t know you can only do that with heirlooms 😛 Our season is so short, some years it may be nip and tuck as to weather the seed will have time to dry naturally. I’d love to learn the ins and outs of seed saving for our area.
I’ve been using heirloom seeds and transplants from Baker Creek and Seed Savers Exchange for the past several years and love the quality. My favorite producer so far is the blue lake bush bean. I haven’t done much seed saving in the past, but would love to start doing more of it!
I saved my Dragon Tongue beans from last year. I hope they sprout! Hope to save more seeds this year.
I’m excited to be able to enter your give away. I’ve been growing a garden since, I don’t know when. I use to buy the plants from the nursery’s. A few years ago, I started growing the plants from seed, in my green house I am LOVING the adventure.
This is my first year of planting heirloom seeds. And am over the top excited.
I LOVE YOUR SIGHT Melissa, Keep up the good work.
I for one am looking forward to your experience at blogger.
I am hoping to use only heirloom varieties in our garden this year.
i have planted them in the past, but let my gardens go when I started grad school. I will be graduating soon, so it’s a good time to start again!
Is this how you enter the contest? I prefer heirloom seed. That’s what I buy, and the food tastes like the food from my childhood.
When dad passed away a few years ago, the garden went with him. This year as prices soar on food, I am going to try reviving “The Garden” in which he loved to have.
This will be our first year planting a garden her in Southwest Ohio. Coming from the deep South I know it will be a challenge especially with cooler temperatures and last spring frost.
I do use heirloom and my dad saves heirloom seeds each year, mainly tomatoes. My favorite is German Johnson tomatoes.
I would love to win these seeds. Although I’m not good at it yet, I try and garden.
I used your tips on pruning and harvesting heirloom tomato seeds last summer. Thank you… It was my first try. I would absolutely love to add some of your family heirloom bean seeds to those. 🙂
Love planning for our next garden. Unable to have one of our own last year due to bubbys medical problems. But canned almost 300 QTS of tomatoes that a friend had planted. Love being able to share seeds with family, friends & grandkids especially.
We are just starting our heirloom seed journey and are quite excited! We don’t (yet) have an heirloom seed story but hope to give our kids/grandkids a story to tell 🙂
Mmmm. These beans would be great to plant! I grow almost all heirlooms because I like to save the seeds, and I like different and old time varieties!
Thanks for the giveaway and your encouragement to keep the seeds of life going!
We’re just beginning this heirloom journey. These would be great.
This will be my first year to use heirloom seeds and I’m really excited.
I am just now starting to buy nothing but heirloom seeds and I’m a senior grandma. Had been buying plants before and it was getting way too expensive for our retired budget. Love the fact that the younger generation comes up with so many wonderful ideas to pass up to us seniors.
My husband and I have been gardening all of our married life (41 years) and not until the last few years did we really learn about GMO and the danger to us. So, last year we ordered heirloom seed from Baker and started our own plants…..what fun and what a difference it made! We just received our order for this year and will be starting our “heirloom” plants in a couple of weeks.
Love your blog!
I really, really would love to try these. My New Year’s resolution was to grow some heirloom seeds.
We are just starting into the world of seeds. I want my daughter (who is almost 3) to understand and have an appreciation for where our food comes from. I want her to k own the time, dedication, and love that a farmer puts into his/her crops and what it takes to feed us. I want her to be connected to this Earth thay has been granted to us by God.
This would be the first time we ever grew from seeds as I have an extremely brown thumb but I am getting better and really excited!
I have only used a few heirloom and they did pretty well. I don’t have any family stories though, but hope to make some of my own. 🙂 Thanks for the chance.
I have never used Heirloom seeds but have read a lot about them. I am just beginning my Heirloom journey.
I’ve never used heirlooms yet but want to. Last year was my first garden and it bombed except for a few tomatoes. Don’t want the GMO garbage.
I just received my uprising seed catalog, can’t wait to order. I love plants from seeds.
We use all heirloom that we start from seed. I did have to buy some pepper seedlings last year as our new puppy got a hold of them and there wasn’t time to restart. I love the unique shapes of tomatoes but can’t seem to pull a specific name out!
I just got 15 acres. only about 3 acres can be planted. 10 acres is old woods and house and barn take up about 2. I want to try to make this a GMO free and self-supporting place.
I couldn’t make it through our long winters without starting plants from seed!!
Love your podcast. I am inspired to try gardening again even though squirrels got everything2 years ago.
I prefer heirloom and open pollinated varieties for everything I grow. I can find varieties that are tailored to my own gardening challenges this way, instead of growing cookie-cutter plants that are geared more to being transported long distances and surviving brutal harvesting methods.
Thank you for the opportunity to receive some of your precious heirloom seeds. I think it’s great how you’ve paid it forward to keep the legacy that your grandparents started so many years back. I’m sure we’ll see more of each other. Take care….
I haven’t planted heirloom seed, because i have a green/brown thumb. They are an investment im afraid to waste.
I have an heirloom tomato that I got from someone online several years ago that I love. I am trying to grow more heirloom plants.
I can remember my Great Aunts in KY talking about getting the start for this plant from so and so, or these bean seeds from someone across the way. I wish I was old enough to realize I needed some of them too. Hoping to start a garden this year and save for my grands and future great grands.
Trying heirlooms for the first time from seed this year!
I have a few varieties of heirloom seeds from family, so I’m hoping to be one of the winners and add to my small collection.
I love heirloom! thanks for the chance to win some.
This will be my first year to try heirloom seeds and I LOVE green beans! Thank you for a nice give-away!
I love getting seeds from my garden, but need to learn how for more varieties.
I am looking forword to starting a garden. I want to use only Heirloom seeds.
I just received my first order from Baker’s Creek – and am looking forward to harvest time 🙂
Ann, another great source for heirloom seeds is Uprising Seeds, located in Washington State. I’ve been impressed with their varieties.
I’ve been a Tarheel all my life and would love to try the Tarheel green beans. I love the heirloom seeds of a variety of vegetables and have grown many of them. I like the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange for seeds that do well here.