What does my garden look like in October? Well, it depends on the year! So far, we haven't had a killing frost, but we know it's coming soon. Come hang out with me in the garden and see all that I'm doing in the garden in the fall.

In this video, I'm sharing what's still growing strong in my garden and what I'm doing to prepare for the coming frost.
This video is filled with tips, but if you're looking to take your garden (and homesteading adventures) to the next level, consider joining the Pioneering Today Academy. Inside the academy, you'll learn to grow, preserve, and cook your food, just like our great-grandparents and old homesteaders, without quitting your job or living off-grid.
Join the Academy today and start building a healthy, self-sufficient life as a modern homesteader. We'll be opening our doors soon. You can use the link above to sign up or to join the waitlist if the doors have closed. We open the membership two times a year and would love to see you in class!
In This Video
There are a few extra resources I mention in the video that you can check out below:
- How to Cure Pumpkins and Squash
- How to Preserve Zucchini
- 144+ Zucchini Recipes
- How to Ferment Peppers
- Fermented Hot Sauce Recipe
- Seed Saving Beans

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