Learn how to build your home food storage in the second part of our series with me and Tammy from Trayer Wilderness.
A home food storage isn't just for those crazy bunker types, it's for anyone wanting to be self-sufficient, prepared for times of financial hardship, and wanting to bring healthier cooking and foods into their diet and home.
I post new episodes every other Friday morning. You can subscribe via RSS and receive every episode for free.
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But it can be tricky or seem overwhelming, here's our tips on:
- How to incorporate your food storage when you’re busy
- Learning from your mistakes
- Flour grinding options
- Wheat berry storage
- How a real food storage diet can improve your health
- Storing real food items
- Ingredients to watch out for that can alter your health
- Using wild plants and herbs for your food storage
Beet Chocolate Cake Recipe (gluten and dairy free)
How to Grind Your Own Flour and Choose a Mill
Harvesting Nettle Leaves and Nettle Leaf Tea
Harvesting and Making Raspberry Leaf Tea +5 Reasons You Should be Drinking it
Check out all of our home canning recipes under Preserving the Harvest on our Recipe Page (scroll down towards the bottom)
Here's our preserving the harvest using freezing and drying methods and tutorials for pressure canning.