We raised, butchered, and roasted a whole pig for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve this year. It was a learning experience and one we enjoyed and will do again.
My daughter is three and loved the piggies.(We make every effort to educate our children on which animals are raised for food and which are pets. We also treat all the livestock with utmost care, regardless if it's for food or not) I was worried she might become attached, but she proudly pointed out to everyone that it was her piggy in the roaster, not the least bit upset.
If you'd like to butcher your own, here's How to butcher a whole pig for a roast-Part 1, otherwise you can buy whole pigs ready to go from your local butcher.
We used a dry rub on our pig and also injected for extra flavor. After research we purchased a La Caja China roaster to roast our pigs in. We can use it at home and also take it with us to other locations, unlike a custom pit made at home.

Injection Recipe: (adapted from this recipe by Cris Lilly)
3/4 cup apple juice (some folks swear by apple cider vinegar instead)
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup salt
2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce
1/4 teaspoon liquid smoke
Dissolve in a bowl and inject into shoulder in multiple spots.
Dry rub recipe:
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup paprika
1/3 cup garlic salt
1/3 cup salt
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon black pepper

Mix together and pat onto pig. Place pig in the cooking rack and secure the S hooks. Place whole pig inside the roaster.

Empty one 16lb pound bag of charcoal (never use instant) into two even piles on top of your lid and light. Once they're gray and ashy spread them evenly over tray. Settle lid in place on top of roaster. Every hour add 5 lbs. of charcoal. Once the exposed skin of the underneath side is crispy, remove tray and flip pig over. Make slits in the skin of the pig every 4 to 6 inches.

Add 5 more lbs. of charcoal to the tray and place back on top of roaster. Repeat, adding more charcoal every hour until pig reaches 190 degrees and skin is crispy. It should thunk like hard tack if you flick it.
Have you ever been to a pig roast? Do you raise any of your own livestock?
Next week-Part 3-I'll share my super yummy easy to make yourself homemade sweet barbecue sauce.

Injection Recipe
- ¾ cup pple juice (some folks swear by apple cider vinegar instead)
- ½ cup water
- ½ cup sugar
- ¼ cup salt
- 2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
- ¼ tsp liquid smoke
- Dissolve in a bowl and inject into shoulder in multiple spots.
Dry rub recipe
- ¼ cup brown sugar
- ½ cup white sugar
- ½ cup paprika
- ⅓ cup garlic salt
- ⅓ cup salt
- 1 tsp oregano
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1 tsp black pepper
- Mix together and pat onto pig. Place pig in the cooking rack and secure the S hooks. Place whole pig inside the roaster.
- Empty one 16lb pound bag of charcoal (never use instant) into two even piles on top of your lid and light. Once they're gray and ashy spread them evenly over tray. Settle lid in place on top of roaster. Every hour add 5 lbs. of charcoal. Once the exposed skin of the underneath side is crispy, remove tray and flip pig over. Make slits in the skin of the pig every 4 to 6 inches.
- Add 5 more lbs. of charcoal to the tray and place back on top of roaster. Repeat, adding more charcoal every hour until pig reaches 190 degrees and skin is crispy. It should thunk like hard tack if you flick it.
Thank you for your very cool recipes. I always cooked according to the recipe from https://argentineasado.com/, they are very tasty, and today I cooked according to your recipe – it turned out very tasty, my nephew didn’t want to leave the feast, I put a few pieces in, he seemed to calm down
Greetings Melissa,
I am roasting a pig for my brothers graduation and I’m very interested in the recipe on the how to roast a whole pig part 2 yet I was wondering how large of a pig that recipe is for as I am planning to roast a 70lb pig. Also did you end up posting part 3 with the barbecue sauce? If you so I am also interested in reading that article. Please let me know what I can do to read part 3 of the article and what size pig the dry rube and injections is for?
Erica Michelle Cesena