Toxin test results on a white piece of paper.

Toxin Testing & My Results

Why Heirloom Seeds Are My Favorite

It is important to use seed that you can save and use again. Read on to learn other reasons why heirloom seeds are the better choice to grow.

Non-GMO Foods & How to Avoid GMOs

GMO products is one area I feel the national media is sorely lacking in covering. While there is a huge outcry online for GMO awareness and education, very little media coverage is …

How to Make Beef Liver Supplements

You’ve no doubt heard about the benefits of beef liver, maybe you’ve even purchased beef liver supplements before. But now, with fresh (or frozen) liver in hand, you’re ready to …

5 Things You Shouldn’t Ignore

You might think fitness and health is an odd thing to have in a Preparedness 30 Day Challenge, after all, it’s not typically something you see on most survival type websites. …