I had a test done recently to test for various toxins in my body. I was shocked by the results considering I’ve been cleaning up my food and healthcare products for over a decade. Check out my videos below to see my toxin test results and the results after my six-month detox protocol.

Toxin Testing
I’ve shared about my health update and need for surgery in another post. If you want to learn more about that, hop on over there and watch my video. I’ve also shared how a 35-day illness revealed the need for more margin in my life.
It was this month-long illness that led me to dig a little deeper into my health to figure out what was going on. I decided to do some lab testing with Dr. Torrie from Meraki Wellness based on a recommendation from a trusted friend. The lab results on my toxin test were very shocking, considering the healthy lifestyle I have lived for the better part of two decades.
My family makes extremely good food choices. On our homestead, we grow a year’s worth of food and raise a year’s worth of meat every year.
What’s even more infuriating is that the toxins I’m dealing with are all allowed into our food system and are deemed “acceptable levels” by the FDA when they are anything but that and should be eliminated completely. (Source)
Watch the video below for my first lab results (keep scrolling to see my updated video with my follow-up lab results).
Test Results
With my toxin test, I had four toxins that I tested in the top 5% of people tested. I then had another five toxins that I was in the top 25% for toxicity.
- BPA – I tested very high for BPA and realized that in the 18 years I worked as a pharmacy technician, I drank from to-go coffee cups almost daily. Those cups are lined with BPA and are most likely where my exposure came from. I have since eliminated my use of to-go cups, I drink from my ceramic coffee mug at home and a stainless steel to-go mug when I’m out and about.
- Tin – My tin levels were quite alarming and very puzzling as to where my exposure came from. Thankfully, with the detox protocol, Dr. Torrie put me on, my levels are coming down nicely, which ensures the exposure was likely in the past and is no longer a concern.
- Aflatoxin G1 & Ochratoxin A (OTA) – Something that’s hard with mold is that you may not know where it’s coming from. It can come from food or the environment and can be hidden in food (like coffee and peanut butter) or inside walls in your home. Because I’m an avid coffee drinker, I suspected this was likely the culprit. I have been trying out a few different companies that claim they test for molds. I’ll keep you posted on when I land on a favorite brand.
- Glyphosate – We don’t use any glyphosate products in or around our homestead and we try to avoid foods exposed to glyphosate as much as possible. However, glyphosate can now be found even in rain water, so it’s impossible to get away from it altogether. With my detox protocol, my levels have decreased, and I’m pleased with that. I’ll continue to monitor this and take necessary precautions to help my body naturally detox from the unavoidable exposures we all have.
- Gadolinium – This is used for medical procedures to have better visibility for MRIs. I did have an MRI before my tumor was removed, so it wasn’t surprising that it showed up in my labs. However, it is frustrating that our medical community knowingly uses something that our bodies have a hard time getting out of our system.
- Butylparaben – These are in many beauty products, laundry detergents, etc. I have cleaned up our exposure, but in my early 20s didn’t know about the dangers of parabens. Learn more about the importance of the ingredients in our skincare. I have also switched to using Truly Free for our laundry and Toups Organics for my makeup and lard for my skincare routine (use coupon code “Pioneering” for 10% off your order).
There is an entire list of PFAS or “forever chemicals” that aren’t natural, and our bodies don’t know what to do with them. Once your body reaches a certain threshold, it stores these chemicals in your fat cells. This is our body’s protective measure from these chemicals. (Source)
Detox Protocol
After a six-month detox protocol with Dr. Torrie, I had my labs redone, and I was so pleased with the results. They say the proof is in the pudding, right? What I found was that within six months, I had lowered all of my levels out of that top 5% range, and some of them were even in the “normal” range again.
I’m not going to share the exact protocol I used because it was designed with my specific toxins and levels in mind. I can’t recommend enough finding a doctor that’s willing to look at the data (and follow up with testing). Yes, it’s an investment, but I’m willing to make that investment in my health now if it means there’s a possibility of saving that money on healthcare (or sick-care) later on.
Work With Dr. Torrie
I am working with Dr. Torrie Thompson, DC of Meraki Wellness Group. Head over to her website if you’d like to schedule an appointment to chat with her or get your own toxin testing labs done.

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So many people do not have the money to afford such care. It not only includes the cost of the doctor but the travel cost, supplements for six months or longer, lab test, blood work, a working computer/phone/internet, organic foods, water filters, glass Tupperware, the list never ends. I hope you can give people some hope by sharing some of what you did and maybe ideas to make it more affordable.
Melissa, so happy to hear that your levels are down. But it would be so nice if you could share what you used for your detox. As you know so many of us are dealing with the same toxins and so many of us can’t afford to be tested or go to a Dr like you did. BUT you could help so Many if you could share your detox protocols!!! You say the detox protocol was designed for you BUT this is something that so many of us could try that could help so many of us. I wish you would rethink your decision and share what you used. As these detox protocols would be most likely something most of us would need as well! And that if by chance someone did your process and didn’t need it exactly, it’s not like detoxing for something (and not needing it) would hurt a person. But again, most likely ALL of us in this world filled with toxins everywhere, would need what you used for sure!! I pray, and ask again that you would PLEASE share what you used to get your levels lowered!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hi Melissa,
Great video! Has the ceramic cup been evaluated for the following?Ceramic cups can contain toxins like lead and cadmium
I would love to know how to rid the body of very high BPA levels when not using BPA for over 8 years now but have very high levels. Also Fluoride , very high levels also but been using 100% distilled water for over 2 years. Would love to know what gets Fluoride and BPA out of the body.
I’m so happy you were able to bring those levels down!! I would also love to know how you did it. I too have health issues, but due to financial concerns and lack of trust in doctors, I’m just dealing with them and not getting any help. If this is something I can “fix” with diet I would definitely be on board! Thank you!
Wow seems like all you tubers/homesteaders when one gets something then everyone has to get the tests like Carolyn at Homesteading Living her toxins were bad too hope it all works out for you Melissa!!
I’m confused. Your comment seems a little judgemental given the fact you are on “this” channel. Kudos to anyone — You Tuber or Homesteader or Critic — who challenges their own health initiatives and does their own research to improve themselves.
Like others, I’d love to know what you did to detox and cleanse as I’ve been wanting to do this for our family but know very little about it or where to look for reliable information.
That is super crazy how long those chemicals can stay in our bodies. I understand, too, why you did a parasite cleanse since parasites hold onto toxins/heavy metals.
Can you share what you did/used to detox?
Does DC mean chiropractor? Seems a little sketchy.
Chiropractors are among holistic doctors who Want to get to the root cause of why patients are ill. They sometimes take advanced training in functional medicine and are able to work with people on the specialized at lab testing which main stream medical doctors don’t do.
I see a DC who is also trained in Integrative Holistic Medicine and Natural health. He was able to prevent my husband from having to take thyroid medication when his numbers came back low. Dr Ken was able to determine what was causing his thyroid to underperform and treated him holistically. Once Dr Ken fixed the cause, my husband’s thyroid numbers came back into normal range. No western medicine. All natural. So I am a firm believer in treating holistically first before allowing western medicine put me on a prescription for life which chemicals and drugs.
Question for Dr. Thompson: I live in south Arkansas and would like to find someone close that will do a screen on me and guide me through the detox process if needed. I have no idea where to go, who to ask for, or where I should begin. Any advice, instruction or direction would be greatly appreciated.
The reason I would like to pursue this avenue is because I started putting on weight a year before *ovid hit and have not been able to get rid of it. Like Melissa I am an active person and have eaten as clean and healthy as possible. Nothing I try helps me lose weight. Now I am 2 full sizes above what I started with and my GP will not address this problem (each year tells me we’ll address it next year but doesn’t).
What was the detox protocol?
She said she was not going to share her protocol since it was designed for her specifically.
Super interesting! Please share how and where to get tested for all of these toxins and what exactly is your detox process. I know teflon is bad and my glass top stove and I don’t work well with cast iron. Is there a non-stick pan that doesn’t have toxins in it?
I cook with butter in stainless steel pans and there’s very little sticking.
Like Tiffany, I too was wondering the name of the test that your provider was able to get for you. Thanks so much!
Hello Melissa!
I have so enjoyed your podcast the past few years and occasionally watch your informative YouTube videos. Thank you!!!
I am currently breastfeeding my baby and plan to do so for a while more. Are there any detox options while nursing? I have several chronic autoimmune issues and a lifetime of eating the SAD up until 10 years ago. I haven’t had any specific tests. Thanks!
You can use homeopathic remedies. Which are safe for anyone including those who are pregnant and breastfeeding. I like Newton Labs-their detoxifier formula is great to take daily
Where did you go & what is the test called to get yourself tested for all of these toxins? Was is it one of those expensive tests I’ve seen online or did you get it thru your primary care? Was it something that was covered on your insurance? I’ve been in search for this test for myself & just need some guidance of the steps I need to take to get the same thing done. I appreciate any guidance in the matter. Thanks!