God works in ways that I can't begin to understand. And while sometimes that frustrates me, most times, I'm incredibly grateful. I wouldn't want to follow and worship a god that I had completely figured out.
I had one of those frustrating moments a few nights ago. One of those busy weeks, where things are off and more things than normal crammed into our schedule, a stressful phone call, and I was two breaths away from crying. I debated whether or not to attend my ladies Bible study. There were 3 loads of laundry, a counter full of dishes, articles due, and lot's of sticky things littering my floors.
But I decided to go anyways. We shared with each other things or situations that bothered us. With tears choking my voice, I said, “Sometimes I wonder why I pray for my brother. After all these years of asking God to bring him to sobriety, I feel like there's no point in continuing to pray, but I keep praying anyways.” (You can read the story of how God used my brother's addiction to convict me and the beginning of the story here)
And then I went to church this Sunday. My brother was in attendance and he asked for prayer to keep him walking with God.
Hot tears rolled down my cheeks.
Our prayers never go unheard. They may not be answered how or when we want, but our Lord hears them. Tweet this
I don't know what prayers you've prayed that you feel God hasn't answered. I don't know if you've felt like giving up on someone. But I'm here to tell you that those prayers have been heard, and God is working on them. They matter. Don't give up, don't stop praying.
If you're struggling with someone, I offer you to put it in the comments. You don't have to put the situation if you're not comfortable, but I want to pray over you and your hard spots. Because I know the power of prayer.
I want to see all of us and our loved ones lifted up to the throne of Jesus. Please join me.
Please pray for my unsaved prodigal husband, we’ve been married for 20 years and he moved out five months ago. He lives behind his two children and his heartbroken wife.
Please pray for reconciliation between Stacy Wiley and myself ( Chad Bauer)
Please ???
She’s made a very bad sinful choice of an affair with a married man . I’m praying for reconciliation and a hedge of thorns…. This married man is not a good person and slowly worked his way i. Her life.
I have two prodigals P and M. One in the throes of addiction and the other making very unwise rebellious choices. Please pray. I am weary
Please pray for my husband I need him back his lost all respect for me and hurts me everyday emotionally he is addicted to pornography please pray and pray for my children to be covered by the blood of JESUS protected everyday of their lives
Please pray for my covenant husband Israel. Ezekiel 36 states that God can remove his stony heart and give him a heart of flesh. Pray this with me. For God to remove the veil that the enemy has put over him. And for God to remove the other women he’s with.
Thank you for this encouraging post. Please pray for my husband, my teenage daughter, and my niece to know and love the Lord Jesus and turn back to Him. Thank you!
Thank you for this. I, too, have a brother who is addicted to drugs. I’ve prayed and prayed for him and waited and hoped, but the years have passed, and my heart is weary. The story hasn’t changed, but neither has the Truth. God is still on the throne, and He is always good. He is faithful.
Please pray for my brother Douglas, for our family, for freedom and peace.
My husband of 11 years is an addict and loving as a prodigal now. We’re legally separated and I want to stand in the gap for our marriage but I don’t always feel sure about it. We’ve been in this storm for about 8 years…and I’ve loved him more every time he gets it right. But then it hurts that much more when he leaves again. Please with me for gods direction for me and if I am supposed to close that door or stand in waiting. Thank you.
Your testimony was very encouraging! Please pray for my bestfriend Dave.
Please pray for my sons and my grandson’s. They have addictive personalities and keep trading addictions, drugs, alcohol, negative relationships and risky behavior. They have abandonment issues. They can’t seem to walk away from ungodly soul ties. Right now they each need to walk away from women who don’t want them and are not good for them to the point that the police have been involved. Please pray for their salvation and Deliverance and God’s grace and mercy over them. Pray that God delivers them and they walk worthy of Him and accept Him as their personal Savior and they are godly men with character and integrity in Jesus name I plead the blood of Jesus for all of their needs. Please bless and deliver them good in Jesus name.
Please pray for my sister and her family , as they try to cope with ongoing issues with their son and drugs. They need guidance and strength to know how to best handle things without further enabling .
I pray for my ex-husband that I still love very much n my son. My ex family suffers from all kind of addiction my husband is an alcoholic my son drinks I pray every day that God will break these family curse and set them free. I pray they hate the taste of liquid.
I pray my ex comes back to the Lord n I also pray for reconciliation. Please pray with me
Pray for my husband Rob. He is lost and in an affair with someone half his age. He is confused and needs to know peace.
I am standing for our marriage. It has been 14 months since we have been separated.
I believe he will return….in Jesus’s name
God revealed to me last Aug 2018 that my husband was being unfaithful,he started voicing to his parents it was their faith shoved down his throat as a child he gave his life to Christ when he was 13 ..after finding out about the affair .. a week later his grandpa passed so we went out of state to the service.. I ended up staying In Idaho to sell our home and healing while he went back to Ak .. the lord had me there longer than I expected.. I came back to Ak dec 30 my husband wants Happy he picked me up at the airport and never came home .. I’ve seen him 3 times this year a total of 3 hrs ( the first time was the only time alone .. the other two he had to have someone there that I did t know) he has filed for divorce.. I actually have till oct 1 to get a lawyer and respond to what he is asking fir which is everything of value and leaving me with debt that I don’t know about .. he has been in to what I know of his 3rd relationship since February and just moved in with each other the first of sept ( FB) .. his parents are devastated As much as I .. we have been plus many others crying out to God to intervene in Adam’s life .. this is not who he is or his character.. the enemy has a death grip on his soul ( mind will and emotions) … i myself have been saved and I’m just learning about spiritual warfare.. where we attend church here was very legalistic and I didn’t know that he was raised that way in parts of his childhood.. he didn’t want to church hop either.. we both had wounds .. I started seeking God deeper and for that relationship.. he went into the world .. I know and believe God has made me the promise he is going to restore our marriage .. it just looks like the enemy is winning and attacks all the time but in this past year and 9 months I’ve learned his tactics… sometimes it’s coming against my limiting beliefs of what I was told that oh God only speaks you through his word and that you can’t hear him and that spiritual gifts are not for this time so on so on so I’m learning new things like spiritual warfare breakthroughs miracles deliverance breaking strongholds and soul ties the list goes on declaring endocrine binding and loosing I still don’t even know it all and seeking learning intercessory prayer standing in the gap like I would pray before but not like what I do now .. we have been married 12 years this past June 23 but of course it wasn’t celebrated I know last August before I even knew about the affair God show me a renewal wedding… In the beginning of the year I was praying and asking God about three different things I was asking him how much longer was gonna be working at my job but I was at when was our marriage going to be restored and is better because we’ve had a lot of trials a lot of trials and then about children when we’re gonna have children so I asked three different things at one time and then I heard God say two years which that was the first time I believe in my life that I ever heard The voice of God so I was like OK was that me God wasn’t you like where did that two years come from and then I heard him again August 1 he told me it was time for me to go and put my notice in for my job I tried to justify it saying I needed to talk to adam first and he said go now because if you don’t go now you’ll be here longer than I want you to be and then it was 20 days later August 20 when I confronted adam asking him if he was having an affair I didn’t know if it was emotional or for his physical but it was physical any motional he had been on dating sites for the whole year that I know of maybe even before I don’t The voice of God so I was like OK was that me god was that you like where did that to you and then I heard him again August 1 he told me it was time for me to go and put my notice in for my job I try to justify it saying I needed to talk to Adam person he said go now because if you don’t go now you’ll be here longer than I want you to be and then it was 20 days later August 20 when I confronted Adam asking him if he was having an affair I didn’t know if it was emotional or for his physical but it was physical and emotional he had been on dating sites for the whole year that I know of maybe even before I don’t know … I had anger triggers I was sexually abused when I was a little girl and never said anything to me about it out loud at least to my parents till I was 30 so I never had healing from that and also just the relationship between my mother and I in December 2017 I cried out to God I said OK god if releasing things and receiving good things from you because I didn’t know about releasing receiving yeah 24 years of being saved and I feel like I’ve been ripped off by knowing who Jesus was my God and the Holy Spirit and that I have power and authority yeah The enemy put some gorilla tape over my mouth but God just ripped it off so it hurt we got to heal that stuff but he’s doing a good thing and he’s doing a new thing and I believe my husband is a David he is a man after gods own heart even before I was married before I knew him I asked God just to give me a husband blessed me with a husband who loved him more than he would ever love me but he would put God first have that relationship with God and I know that is Adam he knows God’s word He was raised on a good biblical foundation he just needs to know the love true love unconditional love of our father I pray that God would pursue him and hound him with his love and that the scales be removed from his eyes that God put a hedge of thorns of protection around him he would show himself in the supernatural way to Adam to Adam hear his voice of God would speak to him and that adam would hear his voice for the first time ever he would hear the voice of God calling out to him adam come back to Me Son Come home I would honor him… I asked for God’s wisdom and strength and for clear direction of my next steps beings I have 20 days well pretty well to October 1 have a ride up yes he still has to go through the judge and all that to look at both sides I don’t know how long that would take I pray that God would speak to me clearly that I would hear his voice on what to do my heart is heavy and I want to contact Adam to see if you’d me alone with me that God will make away that he would do a miracle but I will just come to his senses what he’s doing and that she not being a believer would be like Convicted I know God loves her and wants her saved and I forgive them both father forgive them they know not what they do.. God has done work in me and he still more than me and making me into the vessel he created me to be when I came home December 30 I didn’t expect it to be this bad I didn’t expect much but I didn’t expect him not to come home not to speak to me thank the Lord we do not have children yet but that is a deep wound the sexual abuse the enemy used it against me keeping that secret he tormented me .. sometimes many times I’ve asked God why would he start to heal me and all these areas and then this happened… He said I had to make you strong so you can endure this.. but again I say why wasn’t the abuse and sexual abuse enough but he says why did I all have to take it on the cross yeah I has me there thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I love you lord ..Thank you for opening my eyes and heart my soul to your truth and who you really are that you are loved and that you didn’t come to condemn us but to set us free .. Thank you for your prayers thank you for interceding thank you Jesus thank you for those who stand in the gap thank you Jesus that we may not know each other but we will see each other in heaven one sweet day thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh lord thank you
My ex boyfriend’s addictions and our broken relationship to be reconciled and reunited. I ask and pray for 6 months and he won’t even talk to me. I am plagued w depression and crying. Thank you for your prayers in Jesus Holy name.
My three children, Jasmine 24, Derrick 22, and Genivieve 12, have no relationship with me. They have been fed lies about me and I would like anyone who wishes to pray that God will open their eyes to the truth. That he will touch their hearts and minds and draw them closer to him. And that they will always know that I, their father, truly love them and miss them. My wife , Connie, has 4 children as well whom two of them do not have a relationship with her as well. Cassandra and Donnie. Please pray for them as well. It is with a heavy heart that I request this. I have faith that our Lord will work things out according to his will. Amen!
I’ve been praying for my son to be delivered from the spirits of rejection,double mindedness, depression and all the other demons that come with it. My son can’t see the light God has to offer through the blinders of the enemy..He suffers from bipolar depression and has symptoms of schizophrenia. He’s been rejected by almost everyone but me since he’s been a little boy. He doesn’t want to hear that if he doesn’t change, he won’t be saved. I can’t bear the thought that because of no fault of his own, he has been under demonic attack because he was rejected and God hasn’t delivered him so he could see clearly enough to fight for himself. Please pray for him. I would appreciate it so much
Pray for my friend Eric he is a heroin addicted I love him very much so many people have given up on him. I believe in the power of prayer. Nothing is too big or too small for our Lord Jesus Christ nothing is impossible for my God. I am standing in the Gap for my friend Eric.
I would like you to lift up my husband Joseph I pray he surrender to God n comes home to his family I am standing for my marriage
Pray for my friend Eric he is a heroin addicted I love him very much so many people have given up on him. I believe in the power of prayer. Not is too big or too small for our Lord Jesus Christ nothing is impossible for my God. I am standing in the Gap for my friend Eric.
I would like you to lift up my husband Joseph I pray he surrender to God n comes home to his family I am standing for my marriage
Please pray for Kevoi .God promised me he would save him and he did while we were still married. He has walked away from God. He is now living in sin and doesn’t want anything to do with God. Please pray for him to come back to God and leave his life of sin. He feels abandoned and betrayed. Please pray for my oldest son who also Amari
Prayer request:
My niece Mindy was raised in a Christian home, went to private Christian schools, etc. now in her mid-20s she claims to be neo-pagan and has adopted some very strange and scary beliefs and rituals. There are several of us that pray for her daily, but I would welcome others praying for her. Thank you for offering. Our hearts are heavy but we are praying without ceasing, for we know with God all things are possible!
Please pray for the father of my daughter’s.he is under evil spirits.he is a narcissist.and now he is dating a lady that is so evil herself.also a narcissist.her spirit is so strong tht she keeps him away from his family and kids.
I’m praying to God to intervene in his life
Please pray for my husband and our family. We are under attack. My husband left me and our three young daughters in January. He is convinced he wants a divorce. There is another woman (or a couple I don’t really know). He no longer attends church. The girls don’t ever want to go to his place, he seems so lost and depressed. I am standing in the gap. I know this is a spiritual battle. I know God hears my prayers and the prayers of our girls. This is God’s battle not mine. It’s so hard and painful. I just want my husband to cry out to God and repent. Come home to Jesus my prodigal husband.
Did your husband come home?
This is very similar to my own story.
Praying now that God made it beautiful somehow.
Thank and praise God for your website!
This has truly helped me in praying for my alcoholic husband David who has been struggling since the age of 14!
I have prayed and stood on Gods words for 10 years now.
But this website has taught me how to pray specifically for David.
You suggested for me to leave a comment so you can pray over “my hard spots” for my husband David.
Thank you and may our Father continue to bless you and your family! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Please pray with me as I cover myself and my son Antwan who I have not seen in over 3 years due to being addicted to cocain. Believing for total deliverance.
My granddaughter Serena is an addict. She left her daughter Nevaeh with Serena’s dad and grandma. I wasn’t able to watch Nevaeh because I lost my house after my husband passed. I didn’t have a home for them. My daughter, Serena’s mom is incarcerated, probation violation. Serena has been on the streets since Nov.2015. Last time I heard from her was last month. I try not to worry but my daughter and myself do. Always praying. Can’t sleep. So much more to tell I appreciate your prayers. Thank you so much, God bless.
Please pray for my brother’s salvation. Brandon was not raised in church and he is living a worldly life–drugs, alcohol, numerous partners, filthy blasphemous language, and he is teaching my nephew to use those same words. I’ve prayed for his salvation for almost 8 years (I was adopted and raised in a Christian household) and there is nothing more I want than to be able to spend eternity with him. Please pray that God would allow whatever is necessary to cause Brandon to come to repentance and salvation.
Our son Shawn has struggled with addiction for years, now divorced, ex moved with their daughter to another state. Recently lost everything, car, phone, job, apartment, is in a great Christian center, but struggling to get of clonazepam. He cannot take them or he has to leave. Has to make his decision by tomorrow. They are willing to give him something that is not a benzo. He likes the center and knows its where he should be
pray he makes the right decision or he will be on the streets!
I’m currently praying for a reconciliation of a relationship with a man I love dearly. The Lord has continued to put it on my heart, so I know there is power in what the Holy Spirit can do, as long as we stay faithful.
Thank you for sharing this story. Our God is amazing, and when we act in obedience to His word and not our flesh, miracles can happen – exceedingly and abundantly (Eph. 3:20)
I am asking for prayers for my prodigal wife Aly. I pray that she will be returned to our Lord, move towards righteousness, and back to her loving marriage. Thank you and God bless.
Please pray for my 51 y.o son who has been an alcoholic since about 18 years old. He has gone through the 12 step AA program, been in rehab twice, and most recently jail for 7 mo for drinking. He has a wonderful wife and 2 teenage children who love him deeply as do his father & I. I have yelled, pleaded, begged, tried to rationalize and of course prayed without ceasing. He continuesnto binge drink. He has almost died severl times from alcohol poisoning. My husband is very sick & yet being upset for his father only gives him more of an excuse to drink. Please pray for his healing from this horrible addiction.
Prayers for both you and your son through this time.
My husband is an addict. I need prayers for guidance and strength to stand in the gap for him. need prayer for a hedge of protection around him myself our children and our church. He needs prayer so the shackles of addiction to drugs alcohol and pornography be loosed. I request prayer that he becomes the man of God he can be when he is not using and abusing himself. In Jesus name I claim deliverance for my husband.
Praying for you and your family.
Please pray for my son who is a clean addict and alcoholic but has never been through a 12 step program or gotten counseling for his addiction. He continues to blame his family for his addiction, lies to the extended family members (who believe him) about how we caused his addiction and is so filled with anger he gets into trouble at work, with friends, etc. He is engaged to a young woman who is also an addict. We haven’t seen them in 4 months and have no contact with them or my extended family now. I have fibromyalgia and my daughter has MS, so the stress is causing additional health issues. We all could use the prayers, I guess.
Prayers for your son and family. I pray God will bring healing and restoration.
I am praying.g for my son and my husband . My son spent the night in jail . Hangs out with the wrong crowd . Praying God reaches him last night in that tiny cell . That will open his eyes an nd will see he needs to make life changes before it’s too late . My husband left us 2 yrs ago looking for a better life where the grass is greener .Praying God opens his eyes to the sin life he is leading And comes home to Jesus so God can bring him back to us .
Hi…thank you for the Praise and encouragement in Christ to press through in keeping hope in these dark, difficult hours that have become years.
My precious daughter left home at 18 and the 7 year mark is round the bend.
My prayers are that she will have a life changing encounter with Christ and return to Him in full surrender. I so love her and ask the Lord to bring her to her senses, open her heart to Him and His Word so she would repent and live for Him. Grateful for your willingness to pray for her, Natalie Rose…God Bless you.
I join all of you in your prayer requests. I ask for you to join me in praying for my adult son that God will become real in his life and he will seek God’s guidance. He is dong well but does not have a relationship with God.
[…] Yes, God showed me that people are more than their mistakes and their pasts. He showed me that He died for […]
My grandson has been staying with us off and on for the past nine years. This last time, two years ago, he came here from jail on a past traffic ticket. He lost his job and had no place to go. Then he had several other jobs and lost them for things, ” that I didn’t do.” A member of our church became a mentor for him. He was interested at first, but a “friend” told him not to let us push religion on him. Since then he hasn’t worked, doesn’t pay rent, raids the refrigerator every night and won’t listen to how we want our home to be. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will convict him and he will come to know God. My husband and I have both been hospitalized for serious illnesses this year. The stress is overwhelming. I don’t want to give up on him. I will continue praying for him.
Eyrline, it’s so hard when our loved ones don’t see the beauty and freedom in a relationship with Jesus.
Dear Jesus,
We come together over Eyrline’s grandson. We pray that you would soften his heart to your message. We pray you would open his eyes and ears to hear your word. We pray that you would give peace and wisdom to Eyrline and her husband as they deal with this situation. We pray you would bring healing to their bodies and relationships. Give them your strength and we uplift this situation to you. In Jesus name, Amen.
My Mom has become very needy and demanding since my stepdad and Grandmother have passed away. She was always an independent woman before and I don’t understand this neediness. So, with my own family to take care and juggling a job, this has been added to my plate and I think it’s unfair. Please pray for her and pray that I don’t lose my mind.
Amy, praying for you and your mother.
That is wonderful news about your brother. I am praying for him! I hope you might pray for me as well. I have been praying very earnestly for the salvation of our three sons who were all brought up in the church but have turned away from their faith. As a result of these prayers, the enemy has begun to attack them both physically and mentally. First, about two weeks ago, our middle son (32) had a nervous breakdown of sorts and was hospitalized. Then just this past Thursday, our youngest son (25) who is a type 1 diabetic went into a diabetic seizure due to low blood sugar and was hospitalized. That same day, in the evening, the police knocked on our door to inform us that our oldest son (33) was involved in a car crash and was taken to the hospital with head injuries. By this point I felt utterly powerless. Which is just where I needed to be in order to be completely dependent on God for my needs in the situation. I am very grateful and happy to say that all are on the mend. God has allowed this, I am sure.I believe the victory of salvation must be very close at hand for my children. Please pray that I will not fear and I will stay strong in my petitions for them. Thank you for your page and your prayers, Melissa, and God bless!
Colleen, I will definitely pray for you. It’s so hard when our loved ones walk away from the Lord.
Dear Jesus,
Your word says where two or more or gathered, there you are also. We come together against the enemy in your name. Please lead Colleen’s sons back to you Father. Protect them and soften their hearts to You. Let their eyes be opened and their ears unstopped to your love. Give Colleen strength and peace, Lord. Work in this situation, let your glory be seen. We lift them up to you Lord, they are your children and we stand against the enemy in your name. In Jesus name, Amen.
Please pray for my husband. He goes through the motions, but there is no relationship with God. I pray that he will know God, and not just know about God, and will be a spiritual leader in our family.
Angela, taking it to the Father now.
Please please pray for my husband and my marriage I need my husband back please!!!!
I understand that completely, Angela, I will be praying for you!
I’ll pray for you both.
Please pray for my husband, he’s bent upon separation for no valid reason. Please pray for a changed heart and a willingness to accept responsibility and take action for his mistakes. Please pray that he learns to be faithful and not chicken out at the sight of the slightest difficulty