Do You Need Faith That Moves Mountains?

Does Homesteading Bring You Closer to God?

Are you questioning the empty, frenzied paced, and fast food lifestyle taking over our country? Almost anytime I hear the news these days, there’s a story of senseless death, …

When We Don’t Feel God’s Presence

Have you ever felt distance God? It seems no matter how often you pray or read your Bible you just don’t feel Him close. Oh, my friend, I have been there. I’m there today. There’s …

Do You Know Which Path God Wants for You?

There are sometimes in our lives when it’s easy to do the right thing. The choice is clear. There is no questions which way God wants you to go. And there are the other times. The …

When You Want to Feel God’s Presence

Do you ever long to feel the presence of God? To feel His touch as surely as the sun upon your skin? I know God is faithful, I know His promises in the Bible are true, no matter if …