My husband and I frequently talk about which home improvements we'll make next. This past month, we took out one load of logs from our property. We wanted to make room for a shop/garage (right now we have neither), remove some danger trees, and put in a circular driveway.
Our existing driveway is the only way to access our property and is hard to maneuver when you have a large load of hay or truck and stock trailer coming in. Thankfully, my husband is talented at backing up trailers, around corners and in tight quarters. I on the other hand, can back a trailer around a corner every time, unfortunately, this also happens when I want to back it in straight. 🙂 The cattle appreciate his backing up skills much more than mine.
We want to add one more row of blueberries to our existing row. I'm planning on adding about four more fruit trees to our mini-orchard to help with fruit production and pollination this spring. And we won't even start on some upgrades I'd like to make inside the house.
We often play the game, if we won the lotto (which would require us to buy tickets and we don't) what would we do? But as I was driving home the other day, I noticed some For Sale signs on several homes and properties. And it hit me, why am I focusing so intently on upgrading my house and property, when I have a home heaven that's already outfitted and customized perfectly for me?
Instead of worrying about keeping up with Jones's or having granite counter tops and real hardwood floors, I should be focusing on Jesus and the home He left to go prepare especially for me.
While having a comfortable home and wanting to make it nice aren't wrong or bad, it shouldn't be something that gives us worry or consumes us. And too often, I've played into that trap.
“In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” KJV John 14:2
But God is so good at bringing my thoughts and perspectives back to Him. The next time I start fretting or wishing I could do this or that in my home, I'll remember my real home is already being constructed and I'll get to live in it for eternity.
The best home improvement you can make, is to remember your heavenly home is already constructed and waiting for you. Tweet this
This doesn't mean we shouldn't want to make changes or make things better to where we live now, it means we should keep it in the right perspective.
Do you ever get caught up in the I wish game? How do you keep your wants and your needs clearly grounded?
Thank you for the encouragement that we have a permanent home in heaven and that should be our focus. It just settled my heart. I am thankful for what you are doing with all the organic gardening and canning.
I used to struggle with contentment when we owned our first home. It was old and no matter how hard I tried to clean certain parts of it, it would still look dirty (which was hard for this OCD gal! LOL). I had to pray a lot about contentment and wouldn’t have friends over because I was embarrassed with what the Lord had provided. Once I accepted that and learned to be content (which was something I battled for a few more year) it seems the Lord started blessing. Now we live in a beautiful new home that we no way deserve but my family knows was given to us from God. Now I try to make sure my kids know the value of what we have. I was teaching them the other day the principle from the Bible, “to whom much is given, much is required”. We don’t want them to take for granted all we have – in material things as well as all the other things – our salvation, health, freedom, etc.
I just signed up yesterday for your newsfeed and will try not to write a book in your comments each time. LOL
Leslie, I love talking with people so feel free to write a book in the comments. lol
I was just reading that same passage-to whom much is given, much is required. We’re working on making sure our children understand they’re not entitled to anything. Which can be hard in main stream society. But it’s so rewarding when you watch them begin to understand.
Loved this, Melissa. Great insight! Thank you for sharing the reminder of what a promise we have 🙂
You’re welcome. When the thought struck me it was one of the moments when I wondered why I’d never pondered it before. 🙂