This time of year, we're inundated with references to Santa Claus. As a Christian, I like to keep Christ front and center in my mind and my children's. However, I can't shield them from the story of Santa, but I can turn it back towards Jesus.

The real St. Nick was a man who shared his wealth with those who needed it. But in today's society, that part seems to have been lost in the tales.
There is one thing that I believe as Christian's we should copy from the many Santa Claus traditions. Most of you will remember either writing Santa a letter or hearing about other children who did. Last year my son wrote a letter to Santa in school.
I thought about all the gifts we receive at Christmas, and how so many of them (especially with children) get carried out in the trash the following year. Either broken, out grown, or plain not wanted.
And then I thought about the spiritual gifts that we truly need. I decided to write Jesus a letter for gifts that will last for eternity.
No matter what age your children are, I believe this is something we should all do. You may choose to read your letters out loud or keep them between you and Jesus.
I urge you to keep your letters and every year at Christmas, pull them out to see the miraculous things God has done and the ways He has answered your prayers and the requests you made in your letter.
Here is mine.
Dear Jesus,
As I look back over this past year, I'm amazed and humbled at the gifts you have given me. You walked me through our daughter's diagnosis of Von Willebrands Disease. So many times, you've protected us when we didn't realize it. Thank you for your love and mercy. Thank you that I don't deserve any of it, but You give it freely anyways.
I don't know what this next years entails, but I know You do. I pray you'll give me wisdom at every decision. Give me peace when the hard times comes, I know You'll always be by me, no matter what, but let me feel You when those times press against me.
Deliver my loved ones from the hand of the enemy. You know the battles they face and the deliverance only You can provide. Mend hearts and old hurts, let the bonds of love be strengthened.
Show me the areas where I'm blinded. Open my eyes and heart to Your truths and light.
Let me know more of You. Let me be renewed by Your presence daily. Let me be in awe by the ways you reveal Yourself and the mountains You move, in both my life and those around me. May everything we do be a testament to Your goodness and faithfulness.
As my children grow, allow me to show them Your grace. Keep my tongue harnessed when I would speak harshly or out of impatience.
Help me to build my husband up and not down. Let me be a helpmate to him. Help us to grow together and grow stronger in You.
Let Your people see Your might. Let our faith not remain stagnant, but to grow daily. Help me to be bold in speaking Your truth. Help me to seek You first.
Soften every heart, that we would be drawn closer to You. Let Your Holy Spirit prepare us for the might works You have planned.
Love Your daughter,
Will you write your own letter?
I really Love this idea. It’s never too late to start a Christmas Tradition! Thanks so much for all of your hard work, all of your information an teaching! You are apperciated! God Bless you and your family.
Melissa this is so amazing. I love how you write and inspire us. It touched my heart. Keeping Jesus in all things you do. God Bless
Beautiful idea and beautiful prayer. Amen!
Merry Christmas, Sarah!
please take me off your e- mail list …. I thought you were about recipe
I emailed you, but in case you don’t receive it, in every email at the bottom there is a button that says unsubscribe, please click and follow the prompt to unsubscribe. I can’t do it on my end as I have over a thousand subscribers and can’t find your email. I do recipes every Wednesday, podcasts are every other Friday, the Homestead Hop is on Sunday, and Monday’s are faith posts.
I love the message of blessings and the reminder that Jesus is life and love. Could you pray for my sister in christ?
You are a true Deciple. C. is also a true deciple. Sunday school teacher,
care giver for both parents, and two other family members in her household. Sickness has stricken her. Our city flodded five years ago
and her roof leaked. mold has grown on her cieling which is partly
collapsed and is making them all sick.
Dear Jesus, our Lord and Savior please hear this prayer. A family
You know is suffering greatly, Im asking for You to hear and see them.
Lift them, help and heal these wonderful people doing the lords work,
loving and praising You.