This past week I was speaking with a friend about how we feel like there's never enough time in the day to get done all we want. We push certain things to the back burner, prioritizing what means the most to us by what we accomplish first.
He said he'd missed church Sunday and his entire week felt off. At the time, it seemed like what he had to do was more important than church. After all, God meets us where we are. But afterwards, he wished he'd went to church.
As an author, pharmacy technician, wife, mommy, housekeeper, and home chef (love the way that sounds so official), I'm often tempted to let certain things slide in an effort to capture more time. If I skip my forty minute workout, I could get my article done that's due. If I only read a few verses, it's still devotion time, right?
But this way of thinking is deceiving.
God created time, if we put Him first, don't you think He'll take care of the other stuff? Tweet this
What this really boils down to is my level of faith. When I get focused on my to do list, I forget about God's. Tweet this
His business should always trump mine.
If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. (NIV) Galations 6:3
God is blunt. He sheds light where I need it, regardless if it offends me or not, because He loves me and knows what is best for me. I am nothing without God.
If you're struggling with time, give it to the Lord. The creator of everything can handle your to do list.
Do you notice a difference when you don't put Jesus first?
Love this and love the image! So very true! Is reason why Ialways start my day of in medi and prayer. Thank you for such a lovely post!
Thanks, Marta. Beginning my week and day right really does impact the rest. 🙂
Rebecca, thank you for your thoughts. Where you are at is always good enough! Our walk with God is very simple, in our human state, we often muddy it up. 🙂 Blessings to you.
I am not joining tweeter to jut comment for you and myself. I don’t have the need to broadcast my day. I am meeting you here where I am and hope that is good enough. I also find my whole week is much better after going to Chruch on Sunday. We become God’s priority whe we make Him our priority. Very simple actually. I appreciate your sharing and hope to read your writings for a very long time.