When I found my three-year-old daughter and myself in the emergency room waiting for lab reports, my normal was taken away. At first, none of the lab results showed anything was wrong and God taught me a lesson in waiting. Now, four weeks later, we finally have a diagnosis.
My daughter has type 1 Von Willebrand's disease. She doesn't make enough of the Von Willebrand protein in her blood, so her platelets don't have as much substance to grab on to in order to clot. The good news, unless she has a serious injury, childbirth, or surgery she'll be able to carry on a normal life. We'll be doing a study with a nasal spray Jan. 3 to see if she responds. If so, she'll just have the nasal spray before any dangerous activity. If not, then the only treatment is a blood transfusion. We're praying she's responsive to the spray.
I have an awesome guest post by mommy, Jesus lover, and writer, Jessie Gunderson. When my daughter first started having unexplained bruising, I realized how precious my time with my children is. I no longer was concerned with my to-do-list. Jessie shares this lesson perfectly below when she says to spend ourselves loving.
One of the reasons I enjoy Jessie's writing so much is her transparency. She's not afraid to tell it like it really is. We both love Mason jars, too. Her redneck nightlight was a feature on my 10 Things Every Mason Jar Lover Needs.

I'll Never Get My Life Back
by Jessie Gunderson
I’ve never thought of myself as the mothering type. The delight I experienced once I started having kids surprised me but I still longed for a day when they’d be grown up and I’d get my life back.
One day I was thinking about God’s profound love for us and how Jesus gave up his life so we could live and I began to change. I realized I couldn't love God and despise His creation. I prayed for Jesus to show me how to love people.
I’ve been a mother eleven years this December, learning how to love, surrender my agenda and the perfectionist tendencies, and grow to a place where I no longer want a different life. Isaiah 58:10 says to spend yourself. And as I studied God’s selfless character, I realized that’s how I want to be.
I delivered a little boy, my fifth child, at our home in the woods and I knew that our family wasn't complete. God revealed over the next year and a half, His plan for further growing our family to include internationally adopted children. We’re currently in the process of adopting a 5 and 7 year old brother and sister from Ethiopia. She wants to be a judge when she grows up and he wants to be a runner. The journey toward them is immense and the heart change has taken me a lifetime but I no longer want out. I want to surrender to Christ’s strength and lean on him so I can spend myself loving the least of these.
Jessie needs to raise $25,000 and has a store up on her website. The personalized bear ornaments are adorable and I can't wait to dig into the devotional.
Has God ever put something on your heart that seemed impossible without Him? Has He changed your heart?
Huge thanks to everyone who helped share Pioneering Today while it was free on Amazon. If you enjoyed it, consider giving it as a gift. You can read the first chapter for free here.
[…] and one of ginger’s side effects prevents the blood from clotting. My daughter suffers from Von Willebrand’s disease (a blood clotting disorder). I had no idea ginger would worsen her condition. I’ll make this […]
Melissa, I praise God that this malady is something that your daughter can live with. May you be blessed with a joyous Christmas & a peaceful New Year.
Elaine, I’m rejoicing with you! We feel so blessed this Christmas and thankful for all those who have traveled the journey beside us with their prayers and thoughts.
Hello Melissa, I am new to this blog. I am sorry about your daughter’s condition. I will keep her in my prayers. I came by because of Jessie. She is a great young lady and I have been praying for her adoption process. Thank you so much for having her on your blog and making her needs known.
I pray you have a wonderful Christmas.
Welcome, Debbie! Thank you for your prayers. Jessie is a great lady and she inspires me with her writing and testimony. I can’t wait to meet her in person this spring. I find it wonderful that as family in Christ we can lift up one another even though we haven’t officially met. Merry Christmas to you!
Melissa, I’m so thankful the doctors have a diagnosis and some treatment options. Will be praying the nasal spray is a success. As a Mom who had 2 children with severe medical conditions, I understand completely what you’re experiencing. Even though it’s been many years I remember like it was yesterday. God will use you, your daughter and your family as well as seeing you through this. I know from personal experience. I also really enjoyed the blog today. As God’s servants we need to understand what is truely important in life as we make this journey. Let me clue you in, the to do list and a spotless home aren’t even close to the top of the list. Blessings and Merry Christmas
Susan, thank you for your words of encouragement and wisdom. Your prayers have been felt. I’ve never felt so uplifted during a trying time before. I’m glad you enjoyed Jessie’s words and God’s message-to focus on Him. Merry Christmas!
I had no idea your daughter was going through this. Praying for you, Mommy and that she reacts well with the nasal spray and may she be guarded in each every way.
Thanks, Marta.
I have never heard of this! Praying for you, Melissa!
Kristin, neither had I. Apparently, it’s not that rare, but no one I’ve talked to has heard of it either. Thank you for your prayers.
Still keeping you and your babe close in my prayers. I’m relieved there are answers.
I grabbed a copy of Pioneering Today while it was free.
So excited! I plan on reading it this week.
Thank you, Loree. I appreciate the prayers.
I’m glad you got a copy and I’d love to hear what you think when you’re done. 🙂
Melissa, so glad you have a diagnosis. I know that’s half the worry right there–the not knowing. Praying the spray helps and that your daughter will respond well to any treatments she has to have for this. And praying for YOU as you process this!
Thanks, Heather. Having a diagnosis has been helpful, but I’ve had such peace about this. I know it is supernatural and the prayers of so many. God is so good. 🙂
Melissa, I’m glad you have a diagnosis for your daughter’s condition. I hope the spray works and that, in the future, they find a cure so that she can carry on a normal life all the way. I’m glad her condition isn’t more serious.
Thank you, Nicola. I feel so blessed that it wasn’t something more serious.