You know that saying, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me? Here's the thing, words can hurt, but they can also heal. It depends on which words we decide to listen to.
This past week, I had an ugly word used to describe me. A hurtful word. A word my grandmother would have threatened to wash your mouth out with soap over.
Even though I knew I didn't deserve that word, it stuck with me through the day. When I least expected it little snippets would sneak into my thoughts. Maybe you really are like that.
Everyone thinks that, most people just won't say to it you.
Tears burned my eyes. Much as I wanted to shake those words off, they kept hurting, like a brush with a batch of young stinging nettles.
Then I heard another voice. Beloved. Child of God.
This time tears of gratitude filled me. I'm not those ugly words and neither are you. Don't let them take over your thoughts or heart.
God doesn't accuse. If you have an accusing thought, it's not from God.
I don't know about you, but I'm choosing to listen to the voice of truth. The voice of words that heal, even when words have been used to hurt.
Because I serve a God of redemption. And He cares about how I think of myself. He cares how you think of yourself.
Don't let the enemy use words to hurt you.
Sorry for your unpleasant experience, Melissa. Words can heal a heart or cut like a knife – strange, huh? They are just words, and the person using them is usually the one who is hurt, stressed, upset, or just plain mean from reasons we can’t understand. Say a prayer for them.
I’m so glad for that voice that rests upon our heart…and we know it is Him…and we know the truth about ourselves.
You’re beautiful & loved, Melissa.
I just had this happen to me two weeks ago. Sitting at a stop sign, I inched forward to turn right, the gentleman (I purposely used that word here) waiting to turn left just started screaming at me, calling me all sorts of colorful names. Real attacks on my character. I don’t know the man, yet his words stung deeply. I did engage him to bless him and his day, stating that I hoped he’d find joy. This angered him all the more. As I drove away, I prayed asking God to heal the wounds I felt, but my mind visited that conversation many times over the next two or three days. I had to be purposeful in taking my thoughts captive. And I repeatedly had to forgive the gentleman, who clearly has something else going on in his world… And I might have been the first person he encountered after hearing bad news, and he’d yet had time to process it. I clearly was reminded that we just don’t know what is going on behind the scenes in other’s lives. If we are truly to live as Jesus did, we are to love and forgive, no mater the offense, and to show grace and mercy. And lean into God to heal the hurts, asking Him to remind us of our identity in Christ. I hope you find peace, knowing your identity on Christ.