My home is nestled deep with in the North Cascade Mountain Range. Everywhere I look, tree topped mountain peaks jut towards the sky. Mountain names and ridges are used as points of reference among the locals.
In fact, I feel lost and exposed when we travel to the east side of Washington state and are surrounded by flat rolling land.
There's something about the majestic beauty of these mountains that reminds me how small I am. Whenever my pride gets bubbling and I think about how I've done something on my own accord, it takes a few moments outside among the mountain laden sky line to remind me I'm at God's mercy. After all, I can't create a mountain, numerous species of trees, I can't do anything without His strength and allowance. The crisp air that fills my lungs is His doing, not my own.
This brings me comfort. To know it's not all up to me. I've got someone on my side, someone who loves me beyond measure, who can never be separated from me. And so do you.
I hope the next time you look at a mountain, you remember God loves you.
know what you mean iam in southern oregon and surrounded my mountains when i travel and its flat it can be a little eirrie!! thanks for the chance to win!
Another mountain girl!