Have you ever felt like you didn't know what God was going to do with a circumstance or your life?

There have been times in my life when I couldn't see how any good would come from something. When we're in the midst of pain or sorrow, it sometimes seems hopeless.
Today I was cleaning up our kitchen, a normal, usually every day, sometimes multiple times a day thing. But as I was sweeping underneath the kitchen table, I spied one of our dried October beans from the photo shoot I'd done for the heirloom seed giveaway last week (you can still enter our Annual Heirloom Seed Giveaway here).
I almost swept up the stray bean into the dust pan. After all, it's just one little ole bean.
But as I stared at that bean, I felt God whisper this, “It may look like just a dried up small bean, but once planted, how many beans will come from that one? You can't count the beans you'll get from the first year's harvest, or the other plants this one bean will give life to, but I can.”
How like our lives is that bean? We can't know how one word, one small act, can ripple out and change others. We can't know how one moment will impact the rest of our lives, but God does. http://ctt.ec/g20ea+ @MelissaKNorris #faith Click to Tweet He sees beyond our moment, beyond the here and now, to the what will become.
I don't know about you, but I want to be that bean. I want to plant myself in God's word, in God's truth, and see what happens when I grow for Him.
After all, if one small bean can give growth to many lifetimes of harvests for many families, how much more can you and I as people do? Will you join me?
I would like to join your website. I already receive the emails and love them dearly, but can’t find the site to create a login and password.
Melissa, I love this. I have been thinking and praying about a challenge to have in a month or so for our ladies in my Sunday school class. This just may be it! I want to expound on it for some specific things I’ve been thinking about but it would be awesome to give each one of them a bean to hold and then talk about that bean and the influence they have on their children, their husbands, their extended family, etc, etc. Wonderful lesson. Thank you for being attune to the Lord and sharing it with us. <3
Thanks for posting this and reminding me even small things can make a difference. You never know when one coincidence or deliberate action will cause something beautiful to grow. I experienced this yesterday. A fire last summer resulted in my taking a class on my college campus for January rather than being on a mission trip to Spain. Through the class, I finished a book proposal. Yesterday, that proposal got me a scholarship to a writers’ conference…and who knows what that conference will have in store! It just goes to show you that God can take the most unexpected things and the most unsuspecting people and mold them into something extraordinary.