Seeing God’s Love For You in Your Garden

When We Don’t Feel God’s Presence

Have you ever felt distance God? It seems no matter how often you pray or read your Bible you just don’t feel Him close. Oh, my friend, I have been there. I’m there today. There’s …

Three Ways to Grow Closer to God

Do you make New Year resolutions and goals? Many of want to become more organized, thinner, healthier, happier, and the list goes on. No matter what your goal, you have to …

How God Used an Addict to Convict Me

I’m going to share something gritty, real, and raw about my life with you. My older brother is a life long drug addict. He’s been in and out of rehab and jail multiple times. He’s …

When God Closes a Door

Have you asked God for something with the caveat that His will be done? This weekend, I received an email from my agent that a project we’d submitted to a publishing company was …