If you've been curious about how to detox naturally from toxins and heavy metals, this podcast is a must-listen. Join me with Dr. Torrie Thompson from Meraki Wellness Center as we talk about how our body detoxes, types of toxin exposure, signs of toxin overload and how to naturally detox.

I’ve shared about my health update and need for surgery in another post. If you want to learn more about that, hop on over there and watch my video. I’ve also shared how a 35-day illness revealed the need for more margin in my life.
It was this month-long illness that led me to dig a little deeper into my health to figure out what was going on. I decided to do some lab testing with Dr. Torrie from Meraki Wellness Center based on a recommendation from a trusted friend. The lab results on my toxin test were very shocking, considering the healthy lifestyle I have lived for the better part of two decades.
Join me for this episode of the Pioneering Today Podcast (episode #439) as she and I delve into the many facets of toxins and detoxing.

About Dr. Torrie
Dr. Torrie struggled with her health for years. She went from doctor to doctor searching for answers and was told, “Everything is fine” or “I’m not sure how to help you.” In all, she went to over 25 doctors and spent over $100,000 on lab testing, supplements, and various procedures to make very little progress with her health. She was gaining weight, was physically and mentally exhausted, couldn’t remember words, was depressed, in extreme pain, and honestly just wanted to give up.
It wasn’t until she was going to school to get her doctorate that she was finally able to put the pieces of the puzzle together to find out she had Lyme disease, mold toxins and parasites. Through a natural approach with food, supplements and lifestyle adjustments, she was able to find healing.
She’s now on a mission to educate and empower others to take their health back into their own hands. Dr. Torrie addresses symptoms, including adrenal burnout, brain fog, infertility, autoimmune diseases, hormonal imbalance, depression, anxiety, weight gain, fatigue, and so much more!

How Our Body Detoxes
Your liver is your main detox organ. What happens when your body is exposed to a toxin is that it takes it in, whether through breathing, eating, through the skin, etc.
These toxins then go through the liver to get broken down, then through the kidneys to come out through either sweat or urine or through the bowels to come out through stool.
The problem with our modern world is we're exposed to way more toxins than our bodies are designed to handle.

Types of Toxins
There are generally two categories that toxins will fall into, either naturally occurring toxins or man-made toxins.
- Naturally Occurring Toxins – Heavy metals are naturally occurring yet can still be toxic when exposed at certain levels. Arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, lead and mercury are the most common. (Source)
- Man-Made Toxins – There are many man-made toxins we're exposed to on a daily basis through pesticides, plastics, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (called PFAs or forever chemicals) any many other sources.
When these toxins come into the system at high volumes, the liver can't keep up. When the liver gets overwhelmed and burdened by too many toxins, it sends these toxins to be stored by our body in fat cells to deal with later on.
However, if we're constantly exposing ourselves to more toxins than our body can handle, those toxins stored in our fat cells are never dealt with. Too much overload and we start seeing health issues occur.
If we never detox from these toxins (and continue at that high toxic exposure), our bodies become overburdened with toxins that we can't detox from without extra effort.

Signs of Toxin Overload
There can be signs and symptoms of toxin overload, but Dr. Torrie mentions that this is tricky because it depends on the type of toxin and how each individual response. Dr. Torrie says some of the common signs that you might be dealing with toxins are:
- Unexplained Weight Gain/Difficulty Losing Weight – It's one thing to decrease activity, or increase caloric intake and have weight gain, but if you've experienced weight gain (and an inability to lose weight with diet and exercise) you may be dealing with toxins.
- Brain Fog – An inability to focus, always feeling like it's hard to concentrate or do normal tasks.
- Skin Issues – Acne, dryness, and irritation in the skin can be a sign of toxins.
- Inflammation/Puffiness – If your face looks puffy, or you're dealing with inflammation and pain in your joints.
- Poor Gut Health – If you're experiencing a lot of digestive upset, sensitivities or reactions to food, this could signal poor gut health, which can be caused by toxin overload.
- Fatigue/Exhaustion – Waking up tired (even after a good night's sleep), not feeling like you can make it through the day without a nap. Low energy and a lack of motivation to exercise.

How to Reduce Toxin Exposure
There are some common things you can do to reduce your toxin exposure. Some of Dr. Torrie's recommendations are:
- Eat Organic – This is especially true of any fruit or vegetable that you eat the skin or outside of. You can also check out the EWG's Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists if buying all organic isn't an option.
- Filter Water – Purifying your drinking and cooking water is a great place to start. You can buy inexpensive water filters that will filter out many toxins. Some popular options are Berkey or BOROUX water filters or a reverse osmosis system. There are even whole-house water filtration systems so you're not showering in chlorinated water.
- Personal Care – Cleaning up your personal care routine is important since our skin is the largest organ on our body. It absorbs many toxins through our pores. Think of everything you keep in the bathroom from shampoo and conditioner to makeup to lotions. Anything you use, head-to-toe, matters. You can read my post on why makeup and skincare ingredients matter.
- Cleaning Products – Next think of all the cleaning supplies you use in the home. Laundry detergent, dishwashing soap, air fresheners, etc. These are all contributing to our toxic load. If we clean up our cleaning products, we're reducing our exposure to unwanted and harmful toxins. I have multiple posts with natural cleaning recipes, non-toxic cleaning hacks, and even tips on how to clean with vinegar.
- Cookware – Next we come to cookware. If you're still using non-stick teflon cookware, throw it out! Switch to cast iron or stainless steel cookware. If you're new to cooking with cast iron, I have a post on how to season cast iron and tips for cleaning and maintaining the seasoning here. Dr. Torrie also recommends getting rid of all the plastic in your home. Don't be fooled by BPA-free. All this means is they're using a different Bisphenol (with the same health concerns) to make the plastic. Use Mason jars or glass food storage containers. If you have to freeze in plastic, just be sure your food isn't warm or hot when it gets placed in the bag and never heat the plastic.

How to Promote Natural Detoxification
As was already mentioned, our bodies are designed to detox naturally. However, if you suspect you're dealing with toxic overload, follow the instructions above to eliminate those added toxins in the home and start implementing some of these tips for supporting your body's natural detox pathways:
- Water with Lemon – A little warm water with a lemon squeezed into it first thing in the morning is a fantastic way to support your liver. (Source)
- Saunas – There are a multitude of health benefits with saunas (both infrared and dry), but they do have detoxification benefits. (Source)
- Exercise/Sweat – One of the ways our bodies detox is through sweat. The more you sweat, the more you're promoting your body's natural detox pathways. (Source) Exercise also has many benefits of supporting our body's cardiovascular health and lymphatic drainage pathways (especially rebounding). (Source)
- Supplements – Supporting our body with a good variety of vitamins is also helpful. Find a good multivitamin that includes B, D and K vitamins. (Source)
If you have a lot of toxin accumulation, these things won't move the needle too much. However, this will help stop more toxin accumulation and set up your body in a better place for a future detox.

What do I do if I know I'm being exposed to mold?
If you know you have mold and no matter what you do to clean it, it always comes back, follow the steps to promote natural detoxification and be sure you're supporting your body by reducing toxic exposure. You can also get a room purifier that actually pulls mold spores out of the air.
How do I protect myself from known toxin exposure?
Dr. Torrie recommends going through a detox to remove the build-up of toxins from your system, then using binders to help grab any future toxin exposure.
What is a binder and what should I use?
A binder is a term used for something that “grabs” onto something else. In the case of toxins, Dr. Torrie says there are “old school binders” and “technologically advanced binders”.
The old school binders are activated charcoal, bentonite clay, zeolite clay, etc. They're like hands that grab ahold of anything floating around in your system (toxins, minerals, food, supplements, etc.).
The technologically advanced binders are carbon based with the ability to go in and out of cells and they'll only grab what it has an affinity for – mold, metals, toxins, etc.
How often should I use binders?
Dr. Torrie doesn't recommend anyone stay on binders long-term. She takes a binder once a week to help her body with anything it was exposed to. If you happen to know you were exposed to mold or another toxin, you could use binders for three days to help flush them from your system.
Why should I test for toxins?
When you test for toxins, you'll get data that shows the exact toxins and the exact levels you're body is dealing with. This helps, when working with a practitioner, to select the right protocol with the correct dosing for your specific situation. There is no “one size fits all” approach to detoxing, so working with a licensed practitioner has its benefits.
How long does a detox take?
There's no exact timeline for a detox. For lower toxin exposures, Dr. Torrie says to expect about six months. For those with higher toxin levels, expect to be on a detox protocol for about a year. That doesn't mean it takes that long to feel better. She says, in general, people will start feeling better in about 60-90 days.
How does age affect a detox?
Dr. Torrie says that age definitely plays a role in the detox process. For those who are older, you can generally expect the detox to take longer. For kids, Dr. Torrie says they're extremely responsive to the detoxes.
There are a lot of factors, such as genetics, age, the type of toxin, etc., that play into each detox.
Can I detox while breastfeeding?
Dr. Torrie does not recommend detoxing while breastfeeding. It is possible that toxins could get pushed out into the breastmilk.
Is food-grade silicone actually safe?
I asked Dr. Torrie if she'd use food-grade silicone in her kitchen and she said it's not a risk she's willing to take.
Are ionic foot detox baths beneficial?
There isn't a lot of research that backs the claims for these machines, and they're fairly expensive. That doesn't mean they're not beneficial. Dr. Torrie has seen clients who have benefited from them, however, they're not part of Dr. Torrie's protocols for detox. She says, if you have one, use it!
Hidden sources of BPA
Dr. Torrie recommends eliminating all BPA from our system, but there are some sneaky places where BPA could be hiding. The lining of tin cans, the lining of those to-go coffee cups, disposable coffee lids, receipts from the store, plastic water bottles, etc.
Are there concerns with reusable coffee cups?
Any substance that's made with naturally occurring metals (lead, nickel, steel, etc.) can cause slight exposure to these metals. However, these are not as harmful as synthetic or man-made chemicals and are a much better choice. So, the small exposure to metals that you might get from your Yeti or your Stanley, etc., is far better than the BPA from the to-go coffee cups.
Is there a way to naturally detox from contrasts from MRIs, CTs, etc.?
Gadolinium is a metal that's used as a contrast die for medical procedures. Dr. Torrie recommends using herbs in a slow and steady manner to help eliminate these heavy metals. Herbs like chlorella, spirulina and cilantro will help gently push metals out of the system.
What foods are high in ochratoxins (mold)?
There are common foods such as peanuts (peanut butter), coffee, and grains are the main sources of these molds. Then there are molds found in apple products (apple juice) and red yeast rice.
How to avoid feeling horrible during a detox.
When your body goes through a detox, you can experience almost flu-like symptoms. These are the toxins being eliminated from your body. Dr. Torrie's advice is to prepare your body ahead of time by supporting your liver and your kidneys, then taking it slow and steady so you don't dump too many toxins at once.
What tests should I ask my doctor to do?
Not all doctors will order (nor are they familiar with) toxin tests. If your doctor is willing, the ideal tests to take are a urine mycotoxin test, a urine heavy metal test and a urine environmental toxin test.
How much does it cost to work with Dr. Torrie?
The toxin test itself is around $1000 and a stool test is around $1700. It's Dr. Torrie's hope that as these tests increase in popularity, perhaps the cost will come down.
Dr. Torrie always recommends checking with your insurance to see if these tests are covered.
If I have high toxins, should my family also get tested?
It's easy to assume that everyone living in the same household would be exposed to the same toxins. While this may be true for active toxins (such as mold), toxins can be in our system all the way back from childhood. So, while you may be experiencing a high toxin load, this doesn't automatically mean the rest of your family is.
If both you and your spouse get tested and there are overlaps, then it's time to consider that possibly the children may also be exposed.

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