When spring rolls around, I'm ready for some color and brightness. Unfortunately, living in the rainy Pacific Northwest, Mother Nature doesn't always agree. It's too cold for most flowers here, but that didn't stop me from bringing in some color.
I decided to add throw pillows to our outside chairs on our covered back deck.
I recommend purchasing outdoor fabric for outdoor pillows. (I tried regular fabric and it does mold.) I wait until JoAnne's puts their outdoor fabric on sale or use one of their great 40% off coupons. As you know, I'm a thrifty kind of gal, and I waited until both the pillow forms and fabric went on sale.
I purchased 16×16 pillow forms, so I bought a yard of fabric. You'll have a little left over. Save it. Next week I'll share an awesome idea for the scraps. 🙂
See the sewing box in the picture? That was my mother's. I love vintage stuff, especially things that belonged to my family.

Cut your fabric out in a 17×17 inch square. Then pin it wrong side out. Next, sew a 1/2 inch seam all the way around. But leave one seam open large enough to fit your hand in, this is where you'll turn it right side and stuff your pillow.

So turn it right side out and start stuffing your pillow form inside. It'll be a good wrestling match, I made the opening on my second pillow a tiny bit larger. Shape your pillow inside before you pin the opening closed.

Next, stitch the opening closed by hand. Be careful to hide the thread on the inside of the seam.

Ta-dah. Beautiful pillows to cheer up your chair. I'm not normally an orange kind of gal, but these reminded me of sunny days sipping strawberry lemonade and listening to honey bees buzz about the yard.
Need a quick no sew project, check out my Repurpose a t-shirt into an infinity scarf in less than 2 minutes.
[…] I love vintage pieces of clothing and jewelry. So when I saw this lace, I had to pick it up. I’ve seen lot’s of tutorials for cloth headbands and I made one from the scraps of material left over from my sew your own throw pillows project. […]
Nice! I love the pattern and the color. Perfect for spring.
Thanks, I couldn’t resist once I spotted the fabric. They’d go nicely with your daughter’s flowers.
Lovely! I want my girls to BECOME as crafty as you when they grow up! Because I’m definitely not gifted that way!
Heather, you’re so sweet. My mother is very crafty, I feel I pale in comparison. Some things don’t turn out, I just don’t usually share those projects. 🙂 Let me know how your t-shirt scarf turns out.
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