Have you ever felt distance God? It seems no matter how often you pray or read your Bible you just don't feel Him close. Oh, my friend, I have been there. I'm there today.
There's times it seems like God is as distant from me as the stars in the sky. I long for the times when I feel his presence pass over me, when I weep from the sweet glory of his voice in my ear, and the absoluteness of his direction.
And then without warning, it seems I wake up and don't feel him. I pray. I spend time in scripture. I listen to the praise songs that normally have both hands raised as he sweeps over me. But nothing. Not even a whisper.
What gives?
Our relationship with God isn't based on a feeling. Yes, we do have moments when we feel him, but he doesn't want us to follow him based on a feeling. Too many people chase things in this world based on the way it makes them feel. If it makes you happy then you should do it. Ever heard that?
Well, I'm hear to tell ya, God never said do what you want if it makes you happy. He never said follow me so you can be happy.
No. He said follow me so you may have everlasting life. Follow me so you can break free from your chains of sin. Follow me so you can enter into my forgiveness and peace. Follow me so you can have joy.
Happy is based on circumstances, joy is based on faith.
It doesn't matter if we feel God's presence, so long as we continue to believe his promises to us in the Bible. He is the I am, the Counselor, Prince of Peace, and Lion of Judah, despite how we may feel at any given time.
I know if I hold onto his truths, believe in his word, and continue to have faith, I will feel his presence. Sometimes I think he just wants to test our faith. To see if we'll follow him even when we can't feel him.
I chose to follow him and obey him, even when I can't feel him. But I long for the moment when he douses me in his holy presence.
Do you ever feel like you can't feel God?
54 years old. Gave myself to God through Jesus about 42 years ago. I keep hearing that people feel God and then don’t for awhile. My experience with God is nonexistent. I have never felt anything from God. All I get is silence, absence, and unanswered prayers. My life is absent God’s presence. The heartbreaking despair that causes makes me doubt God’s intentions. To me experiencing God’s presence would mean hearing an audible voice distinctly different from my own voice talk to me; an overwhelming sensation of something like peace, happiness, contentment, love sweep over me; a visual manifestation, an actual encounter with God. I can read God’s word from the Bible but that doesn’t mean God is actually present.
Thanks, God bless you, in Jesus holy name, Amen.
As a late middle aged guy who has been put through the grinder and experienced cruel losses, I have nontheless kept reading the Bible in hopes that
God’s promises are real. I can’t speak for others, but in my life, most of God’s promises have NOT come true for me. When I have prayed on my knees most of the time God has been silent, which is baffling and hurtful. I love others and do my best to honor God and praise Jesus and Holy Spirit, yet, for current situation of asking Him to please guide my lost rescue cat, Biscuit home, or lead me closer to where Biscuit is hiding or inured outside, nothing but silence. So hurtful. Praying for a miracle and turn of events.
Each one have unique experience in Christian life.in his times he makes all things beautiful.
How can I be joyful if I don’t feel His presence
Yeah Heidi I would like to know the answer to that question myself however what about you have you started feeling God’s presence as yet cuz I haven’t I mean like if I start to Hallelujah and Shout I mean Feliz presents a little bit but in general no I don’t so let me know about you thanks
As a late middle aged guy who has been put through the grinder and experienced cruel losses, I have nontheless kept reading the Bible in hopes that
God’s promises are real. I can’t speak for others, but in my life, most of God’s promises have NOT come true for me. When I have prayed on my knees most of the time God has been silent, which is baffling and hurtful. I love others and do my best to honor God and praise Jesus and Holy Spirit, yet, for current situation of asking Him to please guide my lost rescue cat, Biscuit home, or lead me closer to where Biscuit is hiding or inured outside, nothing but silence. So hurtful. Praying for a miracle and turn of events.