When I was in school, I hated group projects. Not because I didn't like working with others, I'm very social by nature, I start up conversations with strangers and my dad is fond of saying I'd argue talk with a fence post if it talked back.

But when we were assigned a group project and our grade was determined by the entire group's effort, I instantly tensed up. Inevitably, there were always a few people in the group who didn't do their fair share of the work. It wasn't the extra work that bothered me, it was knowing my grade was in the hands of others.
Giving up control is something I struggle with. Slowly, God is working on me to surrender to Him. Bit by bit, person by person, situation by situation, I'm handing it over. I didn't begin to see my writing career take off until I finally surrendered it to Him.
But there are certain things I keep trying to take back from Him. Most of the time, I don't realize I've tried to take it back until the friction cramps my hands and rubs my skin raw. And then God reminds me that I'm the one who is hindering His aid.
Like a dirty window blocks the light, when we don't surrender to God, we block Him from helping us. Tweet this
I don't know about you, but my new prayer is to surrender to Him daily.
If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. (NIV) Luke 9:23
What areas have you surrendered to God? How have you seen Him act once you surrendered?
Oooo, I don’t like surrender but I remember something I heard; sometimes you are standing in God’s way and you just need to sit down and let Him work. I am such a doer that this is hard.
Right now my surrender is with our adoption process. There is so much unknown and out of my control. I hate that but I know the Lord who brought me to it will bring me through it. 🙂
So we have another thing in common, the surrender issue. 🙂 I’m admiring your trust in the Lord as you go through your adoption journey. What a testimony those two children will be!