Do you ever wonder if what you're doing matters?
Sometimes I let doubt and fear snake themselves into my mind. Am I making a difference with my words? Should I be investing so much of my time in writing.
I wrestled with my worth as an author. A sweaty, body slamming against the mat kind of wrestling.
Then I received a private message from a reader, saying how much a partricular post had spoke to and helped her. My heart was lifted.
God used her to show me that my words for Him did matter. If we lift one person up, then our efforts have value and are worth it.
The beginning of this week, I received the Inspiring Blog Award from Dayna Bickman.
God heard my prayer. He watched my wrestling match. And He has spoken.
If someone blesses you, tell them. Today.
Part of the award is listing 7 little known facts about me.
1. I have to fight the urge to run from bees.
2. When swimming in the lake, I sometimes wonder what's going to swim up and grab me.
3. I collect different shades of lipstick like most women collect shoes.
4. I like to count how many jars I can every summer. (16 jars of jam/jelly so far)
5. I love to have my hair brushed, I even beg my three-year-old to wield the brush for me.
6. I can't walk in high heels.
7. I've tried to count the stars.
Here are some ladies and blogs that bless me.
Jessie Gunderson– Jessie shares the ups and downs of beings a mother, redneck crafts, sister-in-Christ, gardener, and master chicken farmer.
Heather Day Gilbert– Heather tackles motherhood, homeschooling, writing fiction, living a Christ filled life.
Amanda Dykes-Amanda writes about seeing God with a beautiful lyrical style. Her writing draws pictures more vivid than television.
Your turn, who blesses you and why?
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