Free Seasonal Planting Guide
Know what to plant each month based on your gardening zone and climate

Get your FREE Guide Now!
This guide will help you know when to start your seeds indoors to give you a jump start on your growing season.
Tell you when to plant your seedlings outdoors and when to direct sow your cool weather and warm weather seeds, including fall plantings, so you can grow fresh vegetables and fruit as long as possible.
Want all the guess work taken out of when to plant your garden?
If you're raising your hand and saying yes, I want all this, then you're in the right place. I took my guide straight from inside the Growing Your Own Fruits & Veggies e-Course from the Pioneering Today Academy and put them together in this free document just for you.
FREE Seasonal Planting Guide
Know what to plant each month
based on your gardening zone and climate
This free seasonal planting guide is a gift from me to you! I'm Melissa, lead teacher of the Pioneering Today Academy and author of “The Made-from-Scratch Life“. Your email address is safe with me and with this free guide you'll be subscribing to our newsletter, where we share the best homegrown and hand made resources, articles, and occasional promotions. You can unsubscribe at any time, but then you'll miss the good stuff.

About the Author
Melissa K. Norris believes that the simple things in life are truly the best and that everything just looks better in a Mason jar. Her mission is to inspire people’s faith and pioneer roots. Through her popular blog and podcast, Pioneering Today, she reaches hundreds of thousands of people, inspiring them to live their dreams, while sharing easy tips and ways to live frugal, grow it yourself, and make it at home pioneer style. Her advice has been featured in The New Pioneer Magazine, Self-Sufficiency Magazine, and Molly Green Magazine.