Know What to Do & When to Do It to Grow More Food
No more wasting time, finally one spot for all your gardening planning, records, and information

Become a pro backyard vegetable gardener with 5th generation homesteader and Pioneering Today podcast host, Melissa K. Norris. Worksheets, charts, and monthly plans to create your CUSTOMIZED gardening year.

Store vegetables on the shelf for months with no fridge, freezer, dehydrating or canning
Vegetable Curing Guide & Charts
$29 value

What's in the planner?
In addition, you get a $29 order bonus to help you store your vegetable harvest right on the pantry shelf.

About the Author
Melissa K. Norris believes that the simple things in life are truly the best and that everything just looks better in a Mason jar. Her mission is to inspire people’s faith and pioneer roots. Through her popular blog and podcast, Pioneering Today, she reaches hundreds of thousands of people, inspiring them to live their dreams, while sharing easy tips and ways to live frugal, grow it yourself, and make it at home pioneer style. Her advice has been featured in The New Pioneer Magazine, Self-Sufficiency Magazine, and Molly Green Magazine.
What Others Are Saying
This is a God-send! I have been struggling to absorb what to do, when to do it and what to expect – etc. It makes it much easier to get my mind around it and get to planning.
– Cheri
Thank you for these excellent charts. They will make planning my garden so much easier this year.
– SuZan
This is amazing! Thank you!! Great resource!! I am going to include the cost of the veggies I am currently buying that I could have grown, so I know what I might be able to save, or at very least, what I DID save by growing just a little bit more!
– Melissa B.
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