Ready to make your baking easier, with better results? You won't want to miss this exclusive offer below:

Discover the secrets to from-scratch baking that's healthy but tastes as if it came from a bakery!
Get my top 16 baking tips and tricks, home baker's flour guide, & the special Food Storage Bundle Bonus for only $19!
Never Make These Baking Mistakes Again
Consistent results every time! This ebook and flour guide will help you fast-forward your baking skills so you have fewer baking fails and more delightful successes. Stop wasting ingredients and know exactly which flour to pick and how to use it.
I loved learning about how the different flours react in our baked goods. I have never understood the differences. And now, I am super stoked to better my baking using specific flours!
— Kayrn
Your Best Baking Is Right Around the Corner
For a limited time, get my best, time-tested baking tips for just $19 (a $29 value!).
- 16 practical tips and tricks to delicious baking (no more loaves of brick or tough pie crusts)
- Consistent results when you discover the secrets to measuring ingredients correctly, the differences in yeast, and more!
- Cheat sheets, charts, and easy instructions will transform any recipe you use from here on out
- BONUS Home Maker's Flour Guide 101 explains each kind of baking flour and its uses
- Save time with the metric conversion chart, know exactly how many grams or ounces a cup of each flour type is.

I'm a wife, mom, and homesteader, but I'm also an author and a blogger, a product creator, and a small business owner with a demanding full-time job.
Some of my favorite memories involve homemade bread, cookies after school, and my Great-Grandma's famous flaky pie crust. But if you've ever followed the recipe only to have it flop, you know it's not just putting ingredients into a bowl, you can spend years fiddling with recipes without ever REALLY getting it (I know because I've done exactly that).
I want you to experience delicious and satisfying homemade baked goods right now, so I've put together all of my best tips and tricks, plus a guide on baking with different flours, in one convenient ebook.
By this time tomorrow, you could be filling your home with the unbeatable smell of home baking.
Get Home Baker's Guide now!

Just wanted to thank you for your help… Your information about baking with freshly milled flour helped me a great deal. I recently purchased Hard Red Wheat Berries, ground them and used the flour in an Artisan Bread recipe I’ve used for years. I made the adjustments you noted, and it came out really good, other than being a bit too dense and not having risen completely. I think I can fix that the next time. Not ever having baked/eaten bread with freshly milled flour it was gratifying AND delicious! I need to get going on a sourdough starter now as yeast is increasingly difficult to find in the stores here.
— J.Y.